
I remember that first PSA. And thus began my decades-long hatred of Cats.

Lol @ cats acting all concerned over a human in an accident. Who do you think cut the brake line in the first place.

I actually remember both of those.

The existence of the 80's is the greatest proof for the theory of chemtrails

Rachael Leigh Cook [swoon]!

The best-dressed person was the superfan in the 42nd Street Regal Theater wearing Cats (Broadway) cosplay. —Julianne Escobedo Shepherd

“People are so quick to find the negative in everything and also often forget that she is of Armenian descent.”

I thought that line was saying that she is definitely Tran-exclusionary, but is not a radical feminist or really any kind of feminist.

You’re a grownup now. I’m sure you’re capable of separating a series of books which wrapped up over a decade ago from the author’s present day opinions. If not that’s on you, not her.

Women in Saudi Arabia can’t drive? I’d never know that if the GOP didn’t constantly point that out.

There is, I believe, a brief mention of Aldovia in The Christmas Knight film, meaning that also takes place in the same shared universe. Which also means that Vanessa Hudgens has played 3 identical characters that all exist in the same universe at the same time

Mystery Science 3000, but make it peppermint mocha” is probably the best description for made-for-TV Christmas movies I’ve ever encountered.

I, too, found this documentary to be confusing. 

Have you considered that maybe this very important historical trilogy doesn’t take place on planet Earth? Or maybe it is a mirror world. We don’t know. Maybe they will explain that in next year’s movie when they burst through the veil and stumble upon Earth and are very confused about our map.

The beauty of “conservatism” to movement conservatives is that it’s not an ideology with a concrete set of plans. It’s more of a brand and a lifestyle than anything else, sort of like Cross-Fit, except for people who like to misattribute George Carlin quotes instead of exercise.

White woman harassing a woman of colour online.

You can talk all you want about slavery and speeches, but how many times did Lincoln remember to honour Washington and his men who seized the airports?

That’s because Reagan kept his racism and hatred quiet, coded, plausibly deniable, and subtle. Americans don’t want to be reminded they’re bigots when they’re being bigots.

Watching this for the first time in years and see Katelyn Nacon from the recent seasons of the Walking Dead was in this.

Too Many Cooks was one of those things that helped restore my faith in some parts of humanity, knowing that there are people who would come up with ideas like this and that there are other people who’d give them the resources to make it and allow it to be shared with others. I always felt like it was the kind of thing