
Jessie saw, as in SAW Rick delight in blowing her then-incapacitated husband’s brains into Abraham’s ear, saw his skull explode in a thousand fragments, and something like three days later was nonetheless up for a makeout session, and perhaps more (this being The Walking Dead they couldn’t give us even Maltese Falcon

Ron was so badly written,

What’s a “hipster”?


“Even further, people can and do digest things they don’t like.”

Wow. Stick the knife in, why don’t you, while this currently unbalanced soul is whirling from the attacks, justified or not.

Of course fire kills zombies. Brains don’t burn? Tendons don’t burn to the point where they snap or become otherwise useless? Muscles don’t fry? Sense organs don’t become useless? Bones don’t fracture?

Not to mention, “Huh, I guess they coulda done that at the quarry, eh?”

Sweet jesus, Zack, stop reviewing the damn show. You all but hate it, and you’re even more predictable than its silly growling speechifying and plonking camera work whenever the grip digs in for yet another Serious Dialoging Moment.

Amazing, wasn’t it, to see all three actors look so dismayed to find bad people blocking the road!

Yup. More moronic nonsense from the writers. Abraham has the most awesome weapon of all time in case they meet some baddies on the road, so... let’s leave it somewhere inaccessible.

Amazing, that they don’t feel capable of racing ahead of the source material and writing in their own direction. You know, like writers do *ALL THE TIME.*

It’s “arc,” dimbulb, and season two was easily the best in series.

It isn’t happening because everyone ... speaks.... so... .slowly that no character has time to develop. In the real ZA all the dialogue won’t be frantic. Here? Flat as pancakes.

Then they should have had Enid and CARL be the ones to find each other out there, not Enid and Glenn (wtf did that happen). Of course, if the writing was going to be as dead, why bother?

No, this season is laughably bad. Through 5.14 was often ludicrous, but it had some amazing parts. This season doesn’t. Anywhere.

Wildly uneven?

In fact, he’s right, and you’re a moron.

Still, she’s a ridiculous character, and a drab actress.

Yeah, but the desperate moron walked everyone into Terminus instead of going in solo. Beyond stupid. Then there was failing to kill the Governor. Beyond stupid, as well. Face it. Rick’s a loser, a bonehead, a ruthless incompetent. He just decided the best course of action was to splatter an incapacitated guy’s brains