
To a degree, and I did like the look of them, in and of itself, but the details (or lack thereof) stuck in my craw. Who built these things? Why? How was it able to spot a blood trail but didn’t seem to perceive visual details like color (or event scent) of any kind? Why would they bother killing non-humans? How did

This is by far the worst episode of this show yet. This was one of the most infuriating watches I’ve had recently. I HATED this episode, flat-out, by any metric. There’s NO reason for this episode to be remotely close to as long as it is. It has no real plot development, all it does it just keep adding more plot

You say “lean” Zack, I say “wispy bit of pretentious bullshit predicated on pretty much the entire world taking a handful of stupid pills”. I hated so much about this one, the robot’s design, almost every one of the characters’ choices, the completely wasted use of black and white photography; the whole thing played

opposite for me. it was well done and all, but for me it just didnt bring anything new to the table. usually black mirror seems to deal with some sort of psychological issue, how we as human beings react to some new technology on a social level. this was just a “killer robot hunts human” thing which we have seen often

Well, I like my posts.

I've never gotten the impression AMC stopped being budget stingy with this show. Aside from the makeup work and acting, it just feels "low-rent," if that makes sense. Of course, not everyone can have the budget of GoT, but even a show like Fargo (doubt it's expensive to produce) somehow doesn't give me that vibe like

He has subscriptions to those magazines. He never waves when he goes by. He's hiding something from the rest of us. He's all to himself I think I know why. He took down the tire swing from the pepper tree. He has no children of his own, you see. He has no dog and he has no friends and his lawn is dying and what about

A cell. Confirmed in a recent interview.

Putting his back half into perspective, the first ep was terrible (not budging on that, it was fucking stupid from beginning to end), the second wasn't much better, then next two improved, but were still kinda so so for the series and this one is forgettable. Glad to see they took all the potential of Morgan vs Carol

I think the writers are signposting that they're planning to give her a change of attitude story arc. *Disclaimer* I haven't read any of the comics yet, and try to avoid comic spoilers, so this is just my own speculation/observations.

That might be the difference between Michonne's heavy case of resting bitch-face and her smile.

this! i don't even ship them either, but the comments on how they should have stayed platonic are doing my head in. it's been building for ages, people who don't see it, it's because they don't want to.

Switch out Gabriel for Carol as Michonne's close "relatives" and I agree 100%.

So, when Jesus showed evidence that he had a camp and probably others with him, stole their van full of supplies, attacked them when they tried to get it back, he wasn't presenting any sort of danger?

Why do people keep putting words in my mouth? never mind. Just forget I said anything. It was a grand plan. There is no way they came up with putting the two together more recently instead of seasons ago. The long glances. The desire the two had for each other. It's was all there. Maybe even from the first meeting.

Never said he was. I said seeing them linking up as something that has been set up for seasons is far from fact. That is all I'm saying.

Really? Maybe it's just because I love the actor and her character so much, but I think she's incredibly gorgeous, even more so without makeup. I really hadn't noticed her lighting. Seeing her later on Talking Dead, she talks so much faster than I expected!

it bolsters zero points. Because I'm not bothered by it. I literally said that I don't care either way never did. I'm speaking to the fact you seem to think there was one way to interpret the interactions between the two characters when there isn't. There is more than one. It doesn't mean that it's a race thing. You

Oh, that's right. Still hot, though. Everyone else still sweaty. Still strange.

Did anyone else think about how bizarre Paul/Jesus's attire is? I've been deep down in Georgia in summer. Believe me, if you donned a long leather coat and knit hat and ran around, you'd pass out.
Rick and Daryl were pouring sweat (as usual). Paul/Jesus was dressed for cold weather but seemingly cool as a cucumber.