
In fact you can easily run a show in the ZA forever. How can you run out of stories? Why can’t you kill central characters? Why can’t the villains be different kinds of villainous?

That doesn’t follow. It’s more dangerous to take the shot in close quarters, with a clear view of him, than it is *to let a sociopath who has vowed to kill all of you, including your group’s children, have all your weapons and run off with your doctor into an area thick with ravening ghouls??*

That’s far too subtle for this writing crew. The show has collapsed in that regard. There’s no character development, only random behavior, like a woman whose incapacitated husband’s skull was blown to pieces in front of her, happily making out with his murderer three days later. Or Maggie deciding to look for Glenn,

Or Carol during the attack running to the armory instead of running in circles?

Nah. The difference is too great for that to work. Morgan’s guy is guaranteeing he’ll use his free will to kill *children.* Walkers are just shuffling mouths.


I tried it once, and it completely took me out of the show. I don’t know how many of you do it. It makes the show unwatchable. Death! Terror! Cheese graters! WTF?

No, s/he’s completely arse backwards. We’re watching a caricature of domestic violence, where the most common form is reciprocal violence the woman initiates, and the next most common form is a violent woman with a man who does not hit back.

So why go with the moronic stereotype of the male abuser and a wife who doesn’t reciprocate, when that’s the *least* common form of domestic abuse?

You realize this is an actor who, when he plays intense, only succeeds in looking like a slack-jawed yokel?

Yeah, a “fairly grounded” guy who kept heads in tanks all the while.

I’m sure. As of 5.13 I was riveted. Now it’s just a ridiculous joke. Every episode starting with 5.15, if you were paying attention, was full of holes, terrible stunt work, terrible choreography, horrible dialogue delivered by motionless actors with cameras generally nailed to the floor. Everyone is behaving

Great comment. I can’t wait for you to now rail about misogyny.

Thanks for the spoiler, #######.

That they pulled up (instead of running the dips over, or throwing the truck into reverse), got out without guns ready, and seemed shocked, shocked! that they were being robbed was just more imbecile hijinx from the worst written show currently on.

That’s just excusing lousy writing. Characters can’t change direction randomly because ‘gosh, people sometimes do that in real life.’

Wait, you think the argument in favor of Carol should be based in the idea that she would never needlessly execute other humans due to perilous external circumstances, because she is of uniquely sound judgment?

Because it’s endangering everyone else. It’s a nice philosophy for this world, maybe, but in a world where your residence was just overrun by people macheteing your friends and co-residents to death, pacifism and letting murderers free to live another day is correctly viewed as enraging nonsense.

No, i don’t think so. Every study tells us women are as violent or more violent than men (although when unaided by weapons they do less damage). It would be more likely for a woman to decide to kill a captive, as when their victims are defenseless, as with children and infants, women are more likely to inflict

F#ck you and the misandry you rode in on, pal.