
Ghost of Ernie Banks: Let’s play two!

I have never understood the appeal of Prince Harry. But now. I. DO. Best celebrity-baby encounter ever.

Yeah. People are fascinated by you, but not for the reasons you think.

...getting a peak into black America!? please tell me you are like...100 years old...

You slept with a guy who was cheating on his girlfriend who had cancer?

Just because it was illicit sex doesn't mean it was good sex. He could have been a two pump chump, hence no sex hair.

The real question is: how did her hair always look perfect in all those situations that imply she had just been having sex or sleeping or something?

[looks around to make sure nobody’s listening]

I am always so sad when I look at her "new face." She used to be so pretty.

It actually pegs her drown from 100% GILF to 99.9% GILF for the second it takes to take them off.


Can Crocs really overcome this?:

no, get a hydro flask which is insulated and will keep water cold for days. kleen kanteens store warm gross water that tastes like pennies.

The company recently fired longtime creative directors Marsha Brady...

I want his next residence to be beneath a highway overpass.

Wouldn’t a real Hunger Games ride always arrive at the end with only one passenger?

I truly do not see the appeal of that man.

This is what I see:

welcome to Indiana, i just hope it won't rub off in Illinois

No joke. I'd sort of forgotten how superior kids can be until I met my stepdaughter. I was super liberal even as a kid, but I know I was fucking intolerable about the few things I thought were wrong (pot...pffffft). Stepkid's mom is one of the aforementioned conservative hypocrites, though, so stepkid is very sure