
The tunnel is a hundred feet under the surface. The noise impact on the surface of either construction or operation would have been less than that caused by pedestrian traffic, and orders of magnitude less than the car traffic that this system would replace.

The “real trains” are anachronistic, slow and useless.

I don’t see anything in that statue prohibiting non-fradulent claims. 

It looks like Tesla is to succeed in building 5000 Model 3's a week.

Congratulations on your nonsense comment. None of which resembles what is really happening.

EVERY reservation owner has been required to fish or cut bait at some time. Congratulations! This is your time.

Again with the shtty, unprofessional tone in this article. It’s almost as if you resent people ordering this car. Does the author have a financial stake in what happens to Tesla?

Some people make fun of you for thinking outside the box and setting up production inside a climate controlled tent. These are the people who will never do anything innovative in their lives.

I believe you are incorrect with regard to Waymo. All human overrides are entered into the driver intervention logs.

An entirely preventable tragedy. I can’t believe that Uber gave their autonomous car the ability to steer the car without any also enabling any sort of automatic braking capability.

There is no other car I would rather own. The brake distance is a concern but I don’t believe these results. Consumer reports should try it again. The rest of the issues are trivia.

To summerize, no one is allowed to claim automated cars are SAFER unless we prove with 80% certainty that they are 90% safer!

It’s not illegal to use these terms in California, or anywhere else in the USA. Cages, it frightens me that the right wing propaganda industry has the power to make you believe up is down.


“what”, not “whet”

In my experience, Republicans are ignorant as to whet the Constitution says. See “commerce clause “.

Trump has told over 2000 verifiable lies. For example the claim that the head of the Veterans Administration reassigned was a lie. Trump’s claim that the Whitehouse had a health care reform act that provided more Americans with real insurance than the ACA was a lie. Trump’s claim that investigators had evidence Obama

So says the anti-science, flat-Earth contingent.

There is an overwhelming weight of scientific evidence that climate change is real, climate change is threatening our future and that our cars are a major cause of climate change. So says time the work of American scientists and those from all around the world.

By “fact”, you mean obtuse opionion, right?