
There is a type of *idiot* who thinks that buses are the best we can do for mass transit and will tempt people who drive to work to switch.

No increases in wages, right?

“Conservatives” just have a problem with facts generally. Their purpose seems to be to collect like minded individuals and their modus operandi seems to be dependent on telling falsehoods.

Trump wasn’t president, so executive privilege doesn’t apply. Besides which, Mueller is operating under authority of the Justice Department.

 You sir seem to think that lack of evidence that Clinton committed crimes is proof of a crime. Insane.

Newton proved through calculus that every body experiences a gravitational force towards the center of gravity of the Earth.

The GOP bill calls for $1.5 TRILION (not billion) in tax cuts. 90% of which go to people like Donald Trump.

Hey 1969 Charger,

The tank just fills itself back up. Like the horn of ale that Utgard-Loki uses to challenge Thor to a drinking game with.

Great to see a Babylon V reference!

If the United States, richest nation on Earth, can’t afford quality health care like the Republicans say, and we must allow health insurance companies to discriminate against people with preexisting conditions, meaning Americans who need health insurance...

You can learn a lot about the aging process simply by looking at the woman in the photograph.