
What is the threshold for the number of people that believe you before it becomes an issue for you. Like....all of us on Kinja could state here that we believe your assertation and that we have cancelled our Tesla car, solar and SpaceX rides (thus doing harm)....how many of us does it take?

1) No one said its a new invention, that said, technology does improve and not all minisubs are the same.

Classic ad hominem. Hey, when logic isn’t on your side the weak mind takes refuge where it can. 

He’s never even seen the invention (by his own admission). He only read about it on the news and took the news’ word for it. (and the news messed up since they got the wrong specs for the sub)

Ohhh. I get it now. There are rules about when you can insult someone. Thanks for clearing that up moron. 

On the other hand, they built a factory in China in what...ten months? My guess is that they learned something since/from the Model 3 launch.

“No way they last long enough now to actually get this thing to market.”

I tell ya right now I'd be camping in the woods, huntin slag beasts with a plasma cannon in that thing.

most companies if they have a particularly good year will defer the tax liability to the next, where they aren’t going to have as good of a year”

The contention here is that they made a sweetheart deal with Ireland to pay VERY low taxes, which is illegal under EU law ( it deprives members of tax income unjustly), now Apple has a tax bill to pay. It might be considereda normal part of doing business” ( though illegal in this case) but by many standards it is n

In the case of 2018 it was the year that the changes in tax laws allowed them to bring more of their overseas cash back to the US

Totally disagree with you...consider the facts. 1.25 million people a year die in auto accidents(driven by humans!) 20-50 million are injured, maimed, or become disabled. Now how man people have died due to autonomous cars - where we know that with some certainty the autonomous car was at fault? 2 <<< see that

It IS equipped with Full Self-Driving Hardware. That means that every Tesla sold has all of the 360 degree cameras and radar equipment installed— and as the software updates come, the system will get better and better, without the owner having to buy any new equipment. The problem is that everyone has been confusing

It’s not at all clear that a system where the driver can take over at any second would force us to rely on the machine to make the choice you’re implying.  But overall if machines lower injury and death rates then why would we choose to not use them?  Say we can have 100% of the current death rate with human only

If it’s true that accident rates are lower when semi-autonomous systems are available to drivers vs not available, then why would it be a “terrible idea” to make them more available? I fully get that people will use the tech incorrectly, as they do with all tech, but how can you argue that lower injury and death rates

It’s not new - Ryan Felton was the biggest anti-Tesla guy out there. All of these articles lack actual insight or real thought.

No, they said the automatic lane change wasn’t good, and that merging onto a highway, on some situations, wasn’t as good as a human. 

The difference between the edge case flaws with Autopilot and the added security of the system when in place in normal driving conditions for anyone who has used the system is so big that when I read these fulminating articles I just shake my head. I am not going to argue about the wording that is used or the badging

Of course emerging technology isn’t perfect or completely trustworthy. This isn’t news. But I drive 2 hours or more each day for work and do you think I’m keeping an eye out for Tesla’s, or do you think I’m keeping an eye out for the assholes weaving in and out of lanes in heavy traffic who think that they're invulnera

This article is complete garbage Brian. You’re the reason reporters have a bad name. Report facts, or leave the industry. I used to think Gizmodo was a decent website... you should be ashamed of yourself!