
I happen to agree with JeffFromAbove. Likely a lot of people reading your contribution to this discussion probably do.

Just so you know, you are coming off as an idiot in this exchange. Musk was wrong when he called Unsworth a pedo. Unsworth was wrong when he said Musk should sodomize himself.

Now you look as childish as Elon Musk and Vernon Unsworth. These two men demeaned themselves with their exchange. Now, you have joined them in the mud.

The jury probably decided that Musk statement was tit-for-tat for the diver’s statement that Musk should sodomize himself with the ‘submarine’ that Musk was building for rescuing the kids from the cave.

I think a lot of people are missing something important here.

Absolutely. Just make up facts as convenient. Like our president.

Jake, your logic reminds me of the guy who insists that the ISS (international space station) is fake, a projection in the sky, because the Earth is flat.

The REASON thorium reactors are preferable to other types of nuclear power plant is that there no high pressure water cooling. The water in conventional plants is just one mistake away from flashing into steam and blowing the reactor apart. By way of contrast, a thorium reactor uses a melted salts at low pressure

The only reason you are saying this is that you wanted the happy, Hollywood ending. As it is, it is a beautiful story, but a tragic, bittersweet ending like that which George R R Martin promised.

Humanity is finally ready to build a worldwide internet infrastructure and I say HURRAY! Everybody needs to calm down and stop making exaggerated claims about how we won’t be able to see the night sky.

But not full functional software. 

The author makes at least two leaps of illogic: 1) every accident while Autopilot was running was CAUSED by a Autopilot error (could be other driver does something that makes the accident unpredictable) 2) that MORE people died as a result of the car running Autopilot than were SAVED as a result of the car running

A huge and unwarranted assumption.

The machine is not ‘deciding who lives and who dies'. It is using its sensor data to predict and therefore prevent accidents.

Let’s be honest. There is more reason to trust Tesla’s semiautonomous system than the author’s honesty. Look at the language he uses: ‘lurking’, ‘slouching’, ‘dangerous’. This is the language of someone who cannot contain his biases.

You’re referring to vaporware. I highly doubt Volvo will be able to sell you a Polestar without losing money on every car.

What is the author saying here? That “only little people pay taxes”? Paging Leona Helmsley.

Of course I expect corporations and millionaires to pay their taxes. And great singers. 

What is wrong with you? Aretha Franklin was a great singer but if she didn't pay her taxes, then the IRS *should* go after these taxes now. Why should she be exempt?

At least no one riding Elon Musk’s prototype will be forced to sit next to the a-hole author as he insists on going on and on with his giant-brain insights!