

The Red Letter Media guys suggested time travel based on shots of the Millennium Falcon with the original dish from the original series

Uncle Bean

Uncle Ben gets decapitated in the MCU?!

Sean Bean would have made a great Uncle Ben :(

It’s a joke, ya goober!

Well, shit...

Great, now they'll patch it out since you made it so public. Thanks Kotaku!

Okay, prediction time:

You got it right with the merch. Spidey is an almost billion dollar a year property even without the movies. My bet is that Disney will be perfectly happy to use him in every way they can regardless of a deal with Sony.

To clarify: In the 90s/early 00s, Marvel sold the theme park rights to most of their characters to Universal. These characters include the Avengers roster, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man and their associated rogues. When Disney bought out Marvel (10 years ago at the end of this month), they agreed to uphold

It’s stuff like their Spidey park plans that make me think cooler heads will eventually prevail and they’ll HAVE to work this shit out. There’s just too much money to be had even if they have to eat shit and stick with the 5%.

The late 90's/early 00's were such a weird time for Marvel. It was like watching a neighbor who lost his job try and make some extra cash by pawning everything he didn’t absolutely need.

So yeah. Disney has big plans for Marvel in their theme parks, not just in California but all over the world. It’s almost like...a Global Avengers Initiative.

Trump: “Wait a minute. No president has done what I’ve done.”


Now playing

“SAID EVERY WANNA-BE AUTHORITARIAN EVER” is the big talking point here right after the anti-Semitic trope pelting.

And the anti-Semitism was just the last stop on a wild fucking ride on the Trump train express! What a thread...