
I get the ridiculousness of the situation, but he completely ghosted his ex-girlfriend, whom he repeatedly said he loved and promised to return to after the show was over, then repeatedly lied about it to Hannah.  Her whole thing was total honesty, and Jed was a dumb selfish idiot with zero emotional (or mental,

Woman that was openly dating 20 men with their full knowledge in the context of a show about a woman dating 20 men gets mad at man that is dating two but acted like he wasn’t.

Woman that was dating 20 men gets mad at man that is dating two. 

Genuine question: why do people watch this show? It perpetuates everything people complain about in relationships and makes idiots famous.

Not gonna lie, I lost it at “becoming a rapper”. Live the dream Granny Q.

Your Highness Qiaobiluo ended up getting an outpouring of support after the incident, racking up well over half a million followers and becoming the most-searched streamer on DouYu.

The pessimist in me doesn’t think she’ll be able to unseat McConnell but she’s sure as shit ain’t doing it by being an AOC, not happening... no way.

The issue here is not that she is suitably progressive or even better policywise than Mitch. It’s that Mitch is a terrible man with no scruples or morals, which makes him very effective at his job as leader - at least when there’s a dem in the White House. He effectively outflanked Obama on various occasions because

Mitch McConnell destroyed the Senate and dragged the Supreme Court back into the 19th century. Mitch McConnell needs to be stopped.

Seriously. If there was ever a valid reason to give a free pass to a less-than ideal” candidate, unseating Mitch would be it.

right? WTF is this horseshit? Oh, McGrath is a moderate Democrat? The horror! Since when is opposing the elimination of private insurance “kinda shitty”? A decade ago Medicare-for-all and no private insurance wasn’t even the median Democrat position, and now a moderate Dem with a military background running in fucking

Bingo!  And Sinema ran on health care.  A vast amount of Kentuckians rely on Medicaid expansion.  It worked.  I think it has at least a chance of working in Kentucky.

Shes smart. Her team watched that race. And took notes. 

She's offering the exact moderate Democratic political profile Kyrsten Sinema just ran on in crimson red Arizona. And won.

Mitch McConnell does not “kind of suck”. Mitch McConnell is the architect of the end of the United States and does what he does solely out of spite. He is the embodiment of hatred and corruption.

Seriously. I actually think the way she worded that statement is fairly crafty. She’s not saying “I love Trump”, she’s talking about what people (erroneously) thought they were voting for (lower drug prices, less corruption) which *is* what Turmp was promising. And McConnell *is* opposed to what Turmp promised. It’s a

Seriously, even another conservative Republican would be better than Mitch McConnell. NIXON in his prime would be better than Mitch. She can say whatever she wants just so she gets a shot at taking that treasonous bastard down.

...but McGrath is a self-described moderate who believes the Democrats currently running for president are veering too far to the left. She doesn’t support eliminating private insurance under a Medicare-for-all plan, nor does she support subsidizing healthcare for undocumented immigrants. She also describes herself as

Sometimes the writers here come off as living in a bubble. 

Kentucky is red, red, rose red. AOC would probably get less votes in the entire state than she did in her one district. So, I mean, if someone wants to even be potentially maybe able to win office, they won’t exactly be a NY or SF liberal, you know?