
You do not seem to understand what foundation is for.

I get the ridiculousness of the situation, but he completely ghosted his ex-girlfriend, whom he repeatedly said he loved and promised to return to after the show was over, then repeatedly lied about it to Hannah.  Her whole thing was total honesty, and Jed was a dumb selfish idiot with zero emotional (or mental,

Woman that was openly dating 20 men with their full knowledge in the context of a show about a woman dating 20 men gets mad at man that is dating two but acted like he wasn’t.

Woman that was dating 20 men gets mad at man that is dating two. 

Genuine question: why do people watch this show? It perpetuates everything people complain about in relationships and makes idiots famous.

The accents. Conservatives in America wear hats and shirts made of denim or flannel. Liberals wear glasses and makeup. Conservatives are blonde and liberals brunette. Apparently.

Not gonna lie, I lost it at “becoming a rapper”. Live the dream Granny Q.

Your Highness Qiaobiluo ended up getting an outpouring of support after the incident, racking up well over half a million followers and becoming the most-searched streamer on DouYu.

You are definitely correct. The trailer strongly implies this, and it’s exactly the level of moronic “cleverness” that Lindelhof would be extremely impressed by.

It doesn’t, which is what makes a company like 3M interesting. They’re an anomaly. 

I’m going to call it- The hunters are all coastal elites and the hunted are all white pride, rust belt people.

Well yes, but this is a company that’s still coming up with legitimately good ideas for well over a century now. There aren’t a ton of other companies who have pulled that off.

I didn’t necessarily think Dustin made her up, but I DID think that either her absence would be a continual gag like Tito in ‘My So Called Life’ or she would only appear when the others weren’t around to witness it.

Nope I agree! Im convinced those who don’t get what they were going for with him this season never grew up in the 80's or are conveniently forgetting the trope he is and how pervasive it was in the 80's.

We are literally talking about a show that is a walking talking trope of all things 80's awesome, and we are going to get pissy about him acting like EVERY FUCKING ACTION STAR EVER IN THE 80's??????

Him beating the crap out of the Mayor was one of the things I was actually cool with, haha.

I think they could have gotten away with it if they’d just toned it down from 11 to 8, and given him a little more growth. Also beating information out of the mayor makes him a bad guy and a bad cop, his handling of the Russian showed he should be better than that.

Hopper was great. Fight me. 

Mrs. Wheeler’s would-be tryst does 3 things, 2 of which are for her character.

The NeverEnding Story song was great, but I don’t get how people were surprised that Suzie was real. They made so many references to her being “made up” that of course it was going to turn out to be the opposite.