
I don’t believe that the fandom that criticised his prior films are the same fans pushing for this. The only people I personally know who have been lobbying hard for the Snyder Cut also think that BvS was fantastic.

Take the successes of Wonder Woman, Aquaman, & Shazam, and give us a version of the Giffen League?

Explain why Supes and Bats aren’t there off investigating the whole Apokolips invasion (and a subsequent World’s Finest film?)

Bring it all together with a third film of the Apokolips invasion?

I’m all for that.

I think the very best thing that DC could do for it’s movie universe is set behind everything Snyder and start from scratch.  

I’m with you all. I like it. Between this and the suit, they seem to have settled on a somewjat “jury-rigged”/DIY design aesthetic, and I don’t hate it. Not one bit. I wonder if we’ll see Batman actually working on his gear this time around?

Yup. I really dig the retro/kitbash look it has going on. Should match the rest of the tech style in the movie, too. Two big ol’ dirty gorilla thumbs up from me. 

I like it. I like it a lot. It’s got that nice combination of “normal people couldn’t have this” and “thrown together as a prototype” feel that I’ve been digging about what we’ve seen of the film’s aesthetic so far.

I’ll be honest, I think that take on the show’s perspective on the Red Wedding when Tywin talks about it is ... off. I think you’re confusing the show depicting the Red Wedding as being an effective tool, not that it wasn’t morally reprehensible. The best way to see that is in how the other Lannisters reacted to it.

The show treated the Red Wedding as a good thing? You and I watched a very different show then.

Basically, which is what most people miss from all this.

I think the point folks are missing about Banks “failing upward” and that she’s lucky to “get a second chance” is summed up in this quote form The Hollywood Reporter

But Pitch Perfect 2 made a lot of money. So she’s 1/1 right now - male directors get movie funded with waaaayyyy worse score sheets than that. A man can direct Showgirls and still get directing jobs afterward. Pearl Harbor bombed, yet Michael Bay still has regular gigs. So why should one dispointment kills Banks’s

For now, I’m sticking with the idea that it was created by Putin’s trolls to help crank up the disinformation-o-tron and create chaos. They would certainly have access to the room with or without having to cough up $18,000, and would also have no trouble building a recreation, if that’s what was needed. Releasing it

I’m an old man. I need a TV setting that will respond to me saying, “What have I seen that guy in?” with, “He was in a season 7 episode of SVU. He played a character who was skeezy as hell but not the actual killer. You fell asleep before the end.”

“Ock! Thozar fai-ting werdz!” ~ Gerard Butler

These are the same people that have no concept of what makes a good TV and just buy the biggest they can afford.

Or Shitty Filmmaker mode, in which every movie you watch is directed by Uwe Boll and stars Gerard Butler.

That’s usually caused by some manner of 3d surround sound being fed through the crappy internal speakers on the TV. I missed Hannibal completely due to a combination of poor audio settings and Mads Mikkelsen filling his mouth with marbles.  Try turning off any extra settings beyond Stereo,  

I would also like the “I can’t hear the dialogue mode”. Instead of turning my TV up to 60% and having my neighbors blasted by music and explosions. 

Next up: Film Critic Mode, which will add captions below every scene explaining why your taste in movies sucks.