
There was a video going around a while ago on “gluten-intolerance” and how it affected the immune system (lots of non-science bullshit). People were saying “Oh the person in the video is a Doctor.” They had a PhD in fucking COMPUTER SCIENCE! So thank you for not being that guy.

+1 friend 

I am on the autism spectrum and I endorse this message.

ok.  Let the little shit die next time.

As the father with a child with Autism, I want to be clear about something even though this article did not specifically mention it. Vaccines had nothing to do with it. While I am not a medical doctor, I do have a PhD in Computer Science and like to think I am somewhat intelligent. But guess what? I know when to stay

It’s blatant child abuse. The modern equivalent of right-wing zealots trying to pray an illness away (which still happens and is thankfully now illegal). These parents should be in jail, child protective services should take their boy away from them. If you’re going to let your child suffer horribly because you’re

Meanwhile, somewhere in America a gay couple is being forced to jump through an endless series of bureaucratic hoops to adopt a child because, OMG, think of the children!

Agree, the parents are liable for child endangerment, and should also be forced to reimburse the insurance for that bill. 

Or....I would say that this is one of few case where insurance companies should be allowed to be exempt from covering an individual.

Next time, turn him away from the hospital and let him die. Let these kids start dying and let’s see how long it takes for the anti-vaxxer movement to stop.

By not vaccinating him, his parents put him through torture.

By not vaccinating him, his parents put him through torture.

This is more an indictment about the inefficiency of the American health care system than the ignorance of the child’s parents for failing to vaccinate.

Why not both? Clearly, these stupid parents are stupidly stupid for risking their child’s life over not using a vaccine that’s been in use for a century, and the life-saving care should not cost $1M.

This is more an indictment about the inefficiency of the American health care system than the ignorance of the child’s parents for failing to vaccinate.

While the dollar amount is very high, please do not ignore the intense physical pain that this child experienced. By not vaccinating him, his parents put him through torture.

The parents better be stuck with the bill and I hope it ruins them financially forever. But that isn’t fair to the kid (going back to living with them is already unfair enough as it is), so do the kid a solid and take him from his parents as well.

Oh God, yes, YES!!!

Can I interest you in some tulips?

Regulation bad! Complete freedom good!