
Nancy will win by using the entire playbook Cady used in Mean Girls, because only Stephen Miller and Jared Kushner have seen the film during their secret slumber parties.

She hit that man with the “per my last email,” which is office-speak for “Bitch, I already said…””

Keep reminding Republicans that those idyllic 50's that they all want to go back to had marginal tax rates topping out at like 90%.

“The important thing in my view is not to try to score political points with having a 70 percent, very high tax rate. The important thing is to try to figure out a tax system that is both fair and efficient,” Hutchins said.

Good grief it’s like whipping up a deadly virus just so you can claim you cured it. That’s anime and comic book levels of horrible plotting. 

Wait, do you think he’d LEAVE the money?

I guaran-damn-tee you he can’t spell it.

He hasn’t a fucking clue what medieval means.

“They say a wall is medieval—well, so is a wheel,” Pres. Trump says at meeting near southern border. “A wheel is older than a wall.”

Still waiting for him to reference boiling pots of oil, fire tipped arrows, battering rams ......one of these - its got wheels and everything

Swear to god it’s was my first thought. 

“Finally the orange one is gone. Whelp, let’s get the evidence back into lockup.”

It needs to be at least THREE TIMES BIGGER

You gave the best interpretation of this movie. I agree and the doctors and psychiatrists in real life are the birds. I have two kids that were suicidal from social media.  One almost succeeded.  We got them help in time.  I have been warned by doctors about social media affecting kids. It's life and death.  Saw the

Gary, is that you?

OMG, I didn’t know what people considered spoilers.   Thanks for ruining it for the rest of us.

Were you high when you watched it? Because this column feels like the result of having watched it high.

Reserving judgement simply because Ron Perlman set an impossibly high bar for the character.

This is what happens when they all use the same playbook from red state to red state. The same mistakes just keep popping up. And by mistakes, I mean crimes.