
I think it’s hilarious that Trump tried to turn this into The Trump Show instead of a meeting, and then was pissed off that some of the other people in the room accepted the actual situation and rolled with it.

I don’t know if Schumer and Pelosi were specifically coached to perform this way

Keep doing the lords work my friend.

You called it, plus Pelosi got Trump to personally own a government shutdown by name, calling it the “Trump Shutdown”.

Next week, there’s going to be a list of the best movies of 2018, as well as individual ballots with additional categories (underrated, overrated, outliers, etc.), so with that in addition to the site’s 200-300 individual movie reviews per year, I dunno dude, I think there’s plenty Of Meaning being said about movies

I assume he just sits there praying to Republican Jesus for the chance to electrocute gay children.

Funny thing about right-wing politics: Its supporters are almost universally total dipshits. And dipshits rarely make good movies.

If you think the only problem with a motion picture offering like The Death of a Nation is that it (ahem) “might offend a person’s delicate political beliefs,” have fun with your Rob Schneider marathon tonight. (Or is Tom Green your guy? Not as “prolific,”* huh? :D)

Actually, they went lighter on that this year. I went in expecting all 20 to be “you offended me” picks, but there’s some variety this time, and the ones they targeted for political reasons are also genuinely bad.

Fascinating that a person with such an astonishing racist comment history as you is not in the greys, or actually banned outright.

“Kids, when you’re trolling around the internet looking for reasons to be offended, the best bet is to offer this sense of being persecuted in the form of projection. You see, the key to being the most gaping asshole you can is to accuse others of whatever shithead thing you’re doing at any given moment, and then nod

The politics of a lot of movies are muddled enough to count as not really to my liking. But I don’t particularly care for the vigilante-lionizing, pick-yourself-up-by-your-personal-responsibility-bootstraps tone of EQUALIZER 2, but enjoyed it well enough as an old-man action movie. Similar thoughts about SICARIO 2,

WHOOOOAAAAA you went there!

“I’m sorry that one of your parents is me.”

No, because they’re shitty movies.   Reading!

Tell them to make sure they have strong reading comprehension because it will be helpful in all aspects of life.

Well, it’s not on our list of Top 20 Movies That You’d Be Shocked to Find Out AVC Critics Hated...

There’s a line in the movie where someone says, “I need you to do what you did for us in Iraq” and no one treats that as maybe not such a great strategy for engagement. 

That just raises further questions

It’s kind of hilarious how Sicario 2 feels like it was made by someone who didn’t watch Sicario at all