
I understand the desire to constantly create Robin Hood movies, because public domain characters and money, but for all of its flaws and mullet action and sheer ridiculousness, you’re never going to top the 90's version simply and solely because you’ll never find another Alan Rickman.


It’s a lot easier thinking that everything is done because of some overarching master plan than accepting that life is chaos, isn’t it?

Why is there no “flag this comment for mental health services”?

Having been a member of a jury for accused gang members charged under the RICO act, the bar is stupidly low. Is member of enterprise - yes, enterprise does a lot of crimes - yes, guilty.

Well, we knew it would be something, and we knew it would be soon. Did anyone have “11/18" and “racketeering” in the pool?

HE HAS A CHILD? jesus christ.

I hope she can get a chunk of his money for their child before he spends what’s left on lawyers. 

must be awkward sitting in jail with a bunch of people you just fired.....

Can you imagine having to type up that indictment?

The other day, his baby momma was on IG telling the world that he beat her, raped her then threatened to kill her parents. This guy is a thug and a menace. Hopefully he serves hard time. 

I don’t know anything about this guy or his music but every time I see a picture of him I want to yell at teens to get a haircut, get off my lawn and turn down their music.

It’s amazing that these guys make it big and yet are more interested in living that lifestyle, throwing it all away. I can’t wrap my head around it. But I’m glad he’s going to jail now, he should have been there for what he did to that child.

If he’s convicted, does that mean there won’t be any more articles about him?

If you see a child abuser on trial for breaking your “punishment” of a fucking school exam and instead galavanting all over the world and he’s not even apologetic and your view is “eh, he’s not done anything that bad” you don’t deserve to sit on any part of the judiciary.

And it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy. I’m hoping that all of his former “associates/former managers” who were also arrested, will turn on Rainbow Brite Chucky and cut a deal for themselves.

I’m not ready to call for her to be removed from the bench but there is literally no doubt in my mind that she should face serious a disciplinary investigation and sanctions.

This guy is gross on so many levels

Good.  And Felicia Mennin should be removed from the bench.