
Because I voted for them.

“The media better call this out hard”

I would imagine this would be to spin up the base. Get the vast right wing conspiracy rolling that Dems are trying to steal the election. Never mind that they are following the law to the letter; it’s counter to what Trump wants therefore it must be illegal.  This is akin to a toddler whining about how bedtimes aren’t

Well said - the GOP is anti-Democrat and anti-democracy

A vote for Republicans is a vote for treason. These guys from the top down have sold out our national interests to the clear enemies of the world and subverted our democracy to do it.

First they came for the votes of the poor and disenfranchised, and I did not speak out—
Because I had a driver’s license.

This is absurd. This is literally the law, and Trump and cronies are trying to paint this as something shady and nefarious when it’s not. This is a straight up lie and assault on democratic processes. The media better call this out hard. 

A vote for Republicans is a vote against free elections. Never vote Republican again or you will lose your right to vote. These people have barely run on a platform - their platform is kissing Trump’s ass and maintaining power for him. Even the immigration fearmongering is not a platform. They are not the party of

People often forget how the Nazis silenced their most vocal opponents... By holding fascist “rallies” that were built off of inciting violence and using violent speech to threaten entire communities. Those who saw something wrong would then take a stand against the aggressive fascists and violence would break out.

So basically what PayPal is saying is that having any strong feelings is bad, regardless of where those feelings lie. Just remain inactively ambivalent and let shit happen I guess lol. I could see them now in Jim Crow era saying, we banned MLK’s account or during slavery banning Harriet Tubman’s account

If you feel threatened by Antifa, put down the swastika flag and tiki torch and stop promoting genocide, go home, and you’ll be fine.

Oh, I know that.

The GOP has always been worried about voter fraud*.

When they start talking about year 2000's “Hanging Chads, the MAGA-heads got excited about a prospect of a lynching that bastard, Chad.

So the GOP are now suddenly worried about voter fraud, after fixing and rigging elections, ignoring the vulnerability of electronic voting, and happily allowing the courts to rule when they’re losing, and their evidence of this fraud is a district taking longer to count votes than one with over a 10x smaller

I honestly think that it’s because, at the end of day, white culture and it’s aesthetics are really, really, REALLY boring. It’s hard to claim uniqueness when you’re part of the dominant culture and never have to want to physical representation.

Wow, a Republican has a tantrum and completely stops doing his job when he doesn’t get his way? Where have I seen that before...


I think people are pissed because his actions amount to saying, “You don’t want me as a judge? Fine, I’m gonna release a bunch of potentially violent people into your community.”