
Giant Box 3:
Secret Invasion
of course this leads right into:
Accidental Boom Mic 2

2020: “Marvel’s Giant Box outgrosses Flash feature film!”

Omg. All that work to not just say firefighters. Wtf.

Glad that the President of the United States can take time out to let us know that his private business property is OK.

If only it turns out there was a dumpster involved in the fire, the metaphor will be perfect!

Unconfirmed reports is the flaming debris consisted of campaign documents requested by the special council.

And the son of an FBI agent. By all the demographics, they think he should be on their side and get really confused when he isn’t.

I wonder if part of their obsession with Hogg (and, to a lesser extent, the fact that he’s given so much tv time overall) has to do with the fact that he’s an erudite, well-dressed white kid from an upper middle class suburb - similar to a lot of the faces we’ve seen leading College Republican groups or holding tiki

Don’t even bother trying to parse the right’s approach to the Nazis unless you want to break your brain.

Conservative are whiners, plain and simple. I’d much rather be a tree hugger than a whiner.

To them it’s just a word now - Nazi is a synonym for BAD WORST INSULT, BADNESS! and has nothing to do with actual policies, reality, or history. They wouldn’t know a real Nazi if an SS guard hit them in the face. Fuck these people so much.

Old Pigs Want To Hog Hogg’s Hog

Not sure I understand the whole Nazi thing. The Alt-right is made up of various white supremacists, nazi-adjacent groups, and the KKK. They strongly unambiguously support Trump, and generally support Republicans. They even mock the Antifa (which means anti-fascist because the Nazis were fascist). Yet, they randomly

I think that even more powerful than cognitive dissonance is their confirmation bias. They have a steady stream of “news” from Fox, Breitbart, Infowars, et al. that to them, validates their insane notions.

Not hostile. Passive-agressive.

This is kind of a dipshit opinion that you don’t actually need to share with anyone else. You could have done something more productive with your time, like walk into the ocean until you got tired

The most (and only) thing I find interesting about this is the obsession so many older conservatives have with Hogg specifically. Hmmm.

Yeah, so fuck you, too. Nobody cares about your hate-boner, bruh.

Conservatives are nothing if not petty grudge-holding sore losers. They never imagined Clinton beating Bush in 1992, or Obama beating McCain in 2008. And since Right Wing Nutters have to be always correct, they have to spend the rest of eternity trying to spin a reality distortion field where, actually, Clinton/Obama

The nutters are pissed that this kid thumped the shit out of them. Instead of accepting defeat like the noble brave principled warriors they believe they are, the RWNJs are acting like the whiney wimp bullies they actually are and role playing as Mean Girls.