
This will forever be my main piece of evidence for why the new trilogy is a mess. There was no clear view, no planned story arc, for the entirety of it for any of its characters.

Was there a clear view and a planned arc in the OT that made it through to the end?

Or perhaps just skirting the issue. Maybe her parents WERE nobodies, but her GRANDFATHER...whoo,boy!

Didn’t he say to her something about that she knew, as well, she was just not admitting it to herself?

Or, simply: Kylo Ren lied to her.

It will be called the iJack.

can’t wait until 2022, when Apple announces they’ve invented a way for you to plug your headphones directly into the phone

I opened the comments specifically to see how long it would take for this drawing to show up, and it’s in the VERY FIRST POST. You have my sincere admiration.

If you are going to complain about rich guys owning news media to promote their incorrect views don’t you have to start with Rupert Murdoch?

Are people being intentionally dense today? Pretty obvious that those retiree benefits and maintenance costs are going to be there whether or not Amazon does business with the USPS.

If only you had one of the world’s greatest memories like this guy I know. This guy remembers everything perfectly. Well, almost everything, he gets stressed out by journalists and depositions, but otherwise, amazing memory.

While all of that is essentially a fair assessment, I don’t think it really hits the point of why he’s a thing we are talking about still. Regardless of his merits as an artist (or lack thereof) he’s a guy who fundamentally just happened to stumble into the right place at the right time with the right style. It’s not

When those costs have nothing to do with the issue but are instead foisted upon the USPS (and only the USPS) by Republican legislation designed to cripple the service and buttress idiotic privatization arguments from the robber barons.

Complains about fake news. Cites said news in rant.

I seem to remember someone saying not paying any tax for ten years made him “smart”. Can’t quite remember who…

That’s still an accomplishment. I’ve never seen him draw such reasonably proportioned foot pouches (aka shoes) before.


Did he though? Or did he just draw a pair of foot sized pouches?

Before I even clicked on the link, I thought “sentient pouch.”