
I don’t get it. She’s effectively conveying four distinct emotional states in like 2 second wordless gifs. That’s acting.

Sounds better than trying to quickie cookie-cutter the MCU.

Staring off into the distance?

Well they probably don’t want to waste what they already shot. Which is fair, they spent the money on it. The problem is when two very different versions (original filming and major reshoots) are stitched together, i.e. Suicide Squad, Fantastic Four, Justice League...

“at least 50 percent of the movie may be reshot, and they’re adding one or two new characters who will be present throughout the entirety of the film.”

I really enjoyed the first novel, but I couldn’t get into the sequel. Not having Ken Liu (no relation to Cixin) as a translator made a huge difference.

Of course they’ll cast it with actors of Asian descent. You’re likely to see such notable Asian actors like Scarlett Johansson, Emma Stone, Ed Skrein and others that Hollywood has been known to cast in Asian specific character roles. Mark my words this won’t be any different.

Found the capitalist boot licker.


I call bullshit on the $1 billion. No way. For an obscure SF novel? No fucking way. Someone inflated a currency translation or something like that.

I was disappointed to learn with a Google search that this did not have anything to do with someone having more than two bodies.

One billion dollars for a three season show is insane. This is the quintessential example of a corporation having way too much money on their hands, and clearly not getting taxed enough.

Sadly, quite a few don’t grow out of it. Look at the Republican party and their attempts to regulated female reproductive organs.

If ever there was a book that was unfilmable, it’s the last one in this trilogy.

This, right here: I guarantee all these guys are the same ones that will complain about how women are not interested in them, and how they only pay attention to assholes. Well, they’re all being assholes now: let’s see how long that works out for them.

I do think some couples are gaming together. I saw at least a few conversations of people MAD that their significant other was better than them at Fortnite.

Every single time we make a stride towards some form of gender unity in this community it gets massively undercut by some assholes who think it’s somehow an invasion of their turf.

my 17 yo daughter plays it on her iphone. im proud lol

Fuck this. Fuck this so very much.