
Searching for errors has officially exploded my brain.

What is football for a TE? Catch ball, score TD. You don't need to be Carl Sagan to figure that out.

Says the guy named Ronde.

A true hero in a half shell.

Just an innocent gayzing ritual. To seal the deal they gotta call them fags when they have their fingers in the freshmen's ass.

"digital penetration aspect"

It might be worse in Minnesota. I was under the impression it was in TX. Thanks. Media can be misleading at times.

Of course. I'm only disturbed by what I deem something not so bad. I don't recommend it, and I don't do it for the legal issues and that I'm unfit to have kids, still... Where's the shitstorm for the guy who murdered his progeny? He got bail, then fucked it up. AP isn't on that level I hope.

Lake Minnetonka, you must face the Blouses first.

He's getting thrown under the bus. It's a big story because of his fame and how popular he used to be. I am not sure what punishment he deserves for whupping his kid, but I've been there and it's tricky. I've gotten beat worse by my brothers and sisters, not to mention the psychological torment, yet nobody got in

He can be found on a bench in the park with a magnum of maddog 20/20.

Dat be crunked up!! Even for white folks.


She's all teeth about it. so, yeah... stay away...

Watch Michelle Bachmann with a corndog and you'll be amazed

Most fucked up trick play I've ever seen. Did it work?

Yeah, they really threw the book at TJ Ward too.

Meanwhile, Horseface Killer dumps the NFL's most accurate kicker due to his transgressions that he owned up to, like a man.

Don't forget his former Auburn teammate Nick Fairley?

Boston Market sucks.