
he knows about monkeys too.

This woman has been Ray's girl all her life, all his life. Do you think they are going to give up on each other?

Well, just imagine if later on today, everybody decided to be great Americans to each other and just stopped committing crime. It would take a little while before anyone figured out what was going on, but our society would collapse eventually.

Not only that, but the extra year of probation would've netted the system way less money than the PTI. State mandated counseling is very expensive, simply because they can charge that much, you have little choice not to pay.

Didn't you get the memo? Your contract has been terminated and you're suspended indefinitely.

Why does it come in such tight curls?

I think I'd prefer me some Kate Mara, instead.

I didn't listen to the radio interview and I doubt you did either. I think it's fairly easy to take a conversation, cherrypick a few samples, tweet them out, and you can frame about 3 different sides to that conversation. Besides, a guy on the radio is just talking out his ass anyways. I'm sure there was no "So you're

Mock outrage. You may have missed all the people who are disappointed in Janay's choice to stay with Ray. I really don't care. I do think it sucks that everybody is getting censored for saying what they think. It'd be better if these guys get told that, simply, they're a dumbass instead of getting suspensions.

Or Yes, as long as they're totally miserable giving them.

This is the guy who threatened to resign if the White House overruled a decision that domestic wiretapping was illegal in 2004. Bush/Vader said fine, we won't use the NSA to spy on everybody anymore. Alrighty then! Mueller stayed another 8 years...

It's not acceptable to me personally, but that's a moot point. The reality is that people get away with things that they shouldn't. I could get charged with the exact same thing as you under the exact same circumstances, and we could get widely different punishments. The legal system does what it does and he was

God forbid you say in public what we're all thinking. Mock outrage, and enhanced sensitivity is the only safe play.

Hey we're talking the Camry of QBs here.

The second I heard Ndamukong Suh, it registered DonkeyKong and to this day can barely keep a straight face saying it.

What, like throwing barrels at Cam?

They've already addressed that by stating that Rice's punishment was consistent with almost every first time offender's plea bargain. They followed sentencing guidelines and didn't cover anything up.

I think it's because the Cryptkeeper of the NBA rules the underworld.

Goodell wishes it happened in Vegas? Cuz it stays in Vegas?

Brutality? Ha what a pussy. How does a guy become a billionaire being that soft? I know, by lying through their teeth.