John Griffin

So all this was to determine if Captain American is supposed to punch himself?

Well the plot and villains were a bit...arch. The body count was more like a horror story. And the science was literally explained away with “this all makes no sense, but um, it works anyway.” But it was kind of fun and I enjoyed the grad students thrown together for no reason. At the very least it has the potential

What are the others?

1. Running Home To You

I feel like they should just use pieces from other games. A Sorry playing piece, a Risk soldier, a Scrabble tile, an Ouija pointer, maybe a Lego fig, a chess piece, etc.

Scratch that. It’s the modifiers (“The Last”)that are indicating plural, not the word “Jedi” itself. My mistake. :) I’m still curious about ROTJ tho...

This would be much more convincing and interesting if you told us what the titles would have been if Jedi were singular. A comparison with Return of the Jedi would be helpful too.


My journalistic predictions came true. And Juggy got more to do. I could see him and Betty together.

It’s ok, Barb lives on in San Junipero.

I’m really hoping they will do the Interface series

Isn’t that just...bungee jumping rope?

Wonder why he drive through line is so slow? It's the other customers, or you. Many customers don't even start looking for their purse/wallet until after they get to the window, and then they start looking for exact change, pay in coins, etc. Some fall asleep at the wheel. Some order a shit ton of stuff. Some want to

No Gotham???!

My picks

My three favorite time travel novels I've read multiple times each: The Man Who Folded Himself, Time Fall, and The Green Futures of Tycho

or he could have done 7 x 10. Cuz who doesn't know that answer in the blink of an eye getting an obvious remainder of 30 and dividing that easily. Seven goes into thirty four time leaving a remainder of two. That to me seems the easiest and most clear cut way. Or he just knows multiple of seven past twelve...

I went to the original source (http://www.viewsoftheworld.net/?p=2258) but I can't figure out if this is total number of non immunized children, or percent of non immunized children. Graphs need better labels for comprehension.

So the Bicentennial.. um.. Octocentennial Yoda?

Maybe I'm interpreting the problem wrong, but it seems like just turning the two glasses nearest to you to be right side up on every turn will inevitably make them all right side up. What am I missing?