John Griffin

Following the twist, their rivalry morphs into a story about a white woman seeking to unseat a multiracial, black woman from her social station—specifically by exposing the truth about her heritage. The term “half-breed” should be seen as quite loaded in this context.

What confused me is the Weird Sisters went from despising Sabrina, to Prudence being a reluctant ally, to her dumping on Sabrina again inexplicably, to them even more inexplicably all being friends (or appearing to be) at the very end. I feel like I missed something.

You forgot about Cardiff. A lot of alien shit goes down in Cardiff.

And I’ve seen attacks by the writers on this site against actors choosing acting roles because they didn’t agree with the actor’s choice of role.

Lack of probabilistic thinking is both - lack of proper math skills and - as a result - lack of rational thinking. It’s because most people brains are irrational by default due to evolutionary reasons. The Monty Hall problem illustrates it best, I think. The guy who initially solved it had 220 IQ. He straight up said

That scene was Rey going to the Dark Side for answers. It showed her that on the path of the Dark Side, her parents aren’t important, her friends aren’t important, Kylo Ren isn’t important, all that matters is her. Because that’s the whole point of the Dark Side.

This disconnection to the actual story explains why it failed when you compare it to the Dagobah cave scene. I will quote myself from a post on the Observation Deck:

Many of the members here are just hateful misanthropes who are fundamentally incapable of deriving pleasure and enjoyment out of any piece of art, hence their desire to see as many major artists destroyed as possible.

You just perfectly articulated what I wanted to say about this, but couldn’t find the words, thank you!

While this reviewer keeps touching on the “social commentary” aspect, and it seems to be what critics are focusing on, too... I think story-wise the racism is mildly understandable in the movie world. The orcs sided with a being of pure evil and they lost. It would be really, really hard for anyone to just overlook

Orcs aren’t demons. There’s a diegetic difference. In the Bright universe there’s only 3 races; Orcs, Elves, and Humans. Fairies are there but not as anything more than fey nuisances. Magic is the religious force, not angels and demons. It’d be like calling the Elves in the film Romulans. If that’s your Gizmodo snark

Oh yeah, I forgot to say how much I love the character design, the clothing, the ships...incredible stuff. I think the Mirrorverse has never looked better.

Is everybody high? How are so many discussions basically, “Is ST: Disco horrible or merely disappointing?” This show is amazing. It’s the most incredible pulp sci-fi with Mirrorverse and retro Kilingon biopsychic super-science. That’s not even getting into the brilliance of the character developments across the board.

For a person in his early 50s, having been a dinosaur fan for over 45 years, the fact that we can identify not only that this dinsaur had feathers, but that it had a multicolor crest around its neck is 100% science fiction. When I was a kid, dinosaurs were monochromatic stop-motion clay creatures or iguanas with

It’s true that he stole a lot of credit from Kirby. But the perception that Lee is some kind of comic book billionaire is just wrong. He doesn’t own the rights to a single Marvel character. He’s received exactly zero dollars in royalties out of the billions Disney has made from the Marvel movies (though I think he

Actually, that’s not what it means. I’m a survivor of domestic abuse and from the very beginning I have NOT believed Amber Heard, and I’ll tell you why: