John Griffin

As much as I'd love to see young Dumbledore in a happy romance, JK did describe it as unrequited. I'm not sure there's much you can do with that besides some longing glances.

That may be true, and I certainly would like it to be, but that article doesn’t really say that. It attributes the phenomenon more to the aging population and shoddy police work, with the stuff you mentioned as more of an aside. You might want a better reference? 

The standard answer is porn, but I’m imagining something more along the lines of Greg Egan:

Parody/pastiche at best. You can’t copyright a style or genre. Imagine Star Wars and Star Trek suing each other because they both have spaceships.

I mean, I hope it’s addressed in some way, and if he had actually gotten to a mutual romantic relationship, of course they should show that, but given that his sexuality was never acted on, I’m not sure what there even is to really “show”. In lieu of that though, it would be nice to show some kind of representation

On the experimental nature of new Star Trek and Star Wars

I’m sure his hand clanked, but just as he made spirit clothes in the force be was probably attached emotionally to his prosthetic as.a symbolic reminder and decided to replicate that too...

Cross over with Axe Cop?

Cheap publicity stunt given more attention. Seems like it worked. ;)

I’m confused. Are you against a particular crime, or are you against any fiction that depicts that crime, or depicts crime in general? Or are you against the particular way crimes are depicted in fiction? Or is this just an aesthetic preference thing? Or is this some Grant Morrison thing, and you are saying we need to

I enjoyed the Rent reference, I didn’t need it to be more subtle. I’m hoping their relationship has plot armor.

Is that some kind of pant/skirt hybrid? I like the overall aesthetic, but where the waist line and ankle hem fall make her body proportions seem a little odd.

Being Strange cross between Stranger Things and Being Erica

Nothing is necessary. Everything is permitted ;)

For some reason the continuity issues in the new Trek don’t bother me at all but the idea of them in Stargate does

Parents search for lost kids. Deaf girl finds them in pied Piper ritual and rescues brother. Other kids soon follow apparently released. Parents joyful. Other kids suddenly attack and eat parents.

 Nope. I’m not saying it’s going to be easy, but you can’t really expect people to learn the inherent worth of people while at the same time degrading them.

I guess you are right, some people refuse to entertain more positive ideas and will always consider some people their enemy...

I’m torn. On the one hand I’d rather not see Nazi death threats. And I do think it’s reasonable to ban and report for overt or specific threats. On the other hand I think it’s valuable to know where hate speech is coming from so we can engage with those people and educate them. I don’t think negativity can be erased