John Griffin

We should start training pigeons to attack red light cameras...

That's fascinating, and also encouraging! I'm a psych major and have been thinking that I want to focus on something related to biofeedback. It's good to know that it's effective and expanding.

What did you ultimately find helpful?

I don't remember much about 1995 other than I was a junior in college. Hope nobody asks me for an alibi.

I'm confused about why this is even an academic matter. If there is sufficient evidence, arrest the person.

I'm in a gay interracial relationship. I rarely get the sense that the awkwardness of strangers when we are together is much greater than the general awkwardness of strangers when I'm alone in public. I think a lot of people read into the behaviors of others their own fears. Try smiling. If people don't smile back,

Definitely the one from the Brautigan novel The Abortion:

Gnome is obvious kill. Marry fuck depends on the mythos. In some, either merpeople or centaurs are wild and the other noble. So fuck the wild one and marry the noble one. On the other hand, based purely on anatomical compatibility, sex with the merman might be the only safe permutation.

Hah, yeah, thats a pipe dream. Maybe if I could send new links to a side bar queue, or if there was a "don't load tab until in use" mode. But there's currently no easy way to keep a list of easily accessible list of in-progress pages right in the browser.

You got it backwards

I find villains in general to be very tough to make believable, and all powerful ones even more difficult.

Yeah these guys were dicks, but I find it bizarre that it is considered animal cruelty to eat a turkey that is someone's pet, but not animal cruelty if they are on a farm. I don't think it makes a difference to the turkey's suffering at death if they used to be someone's pet.

Yeah as others have mentioned, there was evidence he was involved in a youthful indiscretion, but in his adult life he showed a general proclivity towards asexuality. And a certain famous psychologist tried to interpret a dream he had about a bird putting a feather in his mouth as a baby as indicating something about

So... is that Marsellus's soul in the briefcase?

I agree that Looper was pretty smart in terms of the rules of storytelling you listed, and it worked very well thematically, and in terms of directing, characters, setting, etc. But the time travel aspect of it was sloppy and full of plot holes. I kind of wish Christopher Nolan could have had a pass at editing the

With high lossy compression no less :) This really needs an Apple trailer.

Looks great! Does it include mobile support yet?

I prefer the "leave no trace" explanation. Advanced beings are likely to only be advanced if they can create sustainable technologies, which requires a "minimal impact" mindset. I'd guess that all civilizations eventually get over their Las Vegas phase and stop putting up garish signs pointing to their planets. They

I'm glad someone else had the "Lady MacBeth" thought! Lori telling Rick what's up was good, what with us still recovering from Lost's syndrome of no one communicating with each other, but once she was all up in his lap and whispering in his ear, then it got all Shakespeare.