John Griffin

So our universe might just be one big black hole. Maybe it's like a nesting doll, block holes inside black holes inside black holes....

Getting really bored with writers who don't understand the difference between scientific/technical meanings/usages for words and common usage.


"The Valentine Phantom, often referred to as the Valentine Bandit in media reports, refers to an individual or group who each Valentine's Daysecretly decorate the downtown area of a city in the United States with a series of red hearts printed on sheets of letter-sized paper."

I suspect it is because credit cards are die-cut (sort of like a cookie cutter) which is more precise, whereas business cards are often cut in lines based on how careful the cutting guy is with lining the cutter up to the registration marks and also affected by cutting through multiple sheets which may not be lined up

I'm sure this has something to do with all those teaspoons...

Very cool, would be interesting to see it with another axis for mass...

"This code re-allocation"

These are all fantastic but the Sinestro one probably would have made more sense for Amazo or Red Tornado. Was Sinestro ever an android?

But did they laugh?

For me, the whole point of Sphere was that we eventually get to see the viewpoint of someone going into the Sphere, but we never get to see inside it in the film.

Any one else notice the bat symbol Easter egg?

Sadly, looking at my list of favorite screenwriters, there's no women.

Wow, that's quite a...package.

It will be great to have a woman director, but I'm more concerned about the writer. I think the script makes or breaks a film more than any other factor.

Kate who?

Home made masquerade