John Griffin

I'm guessing very few, during the period, unless we count those old body building magazines.

I don't remember much about 1995 other than I was a junior in college. Hope nobody asks me for an alibi.

Not only real, but an officially licensed and published comic book...I thought they were good sports to give equal time to male, female, and alien characters.

These are clever and beautiful. I wouldn't mind the objectification as much if it were equal opportunity.

I had the impression that the Iron Man suits were buried, and it wasn't until the wreckage shifted that they could get out.

A lot of these are incomplete - there is more than one loop in Looper, and 12 Monkeys leaves out the trip to the war zone.

One of this years thinkgeek April Fools products, not real but if enough people vote for it, they will make it.

Why is this even an issue? Haven't desktop macs had decent offline voice recognition for a decade or so?

"You have male whores?"

OMG it's Pluto all over again

Wow, yeah I had to rewind that scene a few times before I realized all the Jack scenes were flash FORWARDS.

Alfred Hitchcock?

I think the three laws are fairly robust. They aren't really concerned with creating an ideal ethical framework, rather they are focused mainly on preventing loss of life and property. Should probably add something to keep them within the confines of the legal system, and that would cover most of what is necessary.

I'm still waiting for the full backstory on Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra...or Shaka when the walls fell...

There's been a couple of goes at the Oddysey and Iliad, but no real attempts at the epic Aenied...

I was under the impression that it would just reverse the depth, making near things far and vice versa. That's definitely how it works for older methods.