
Yeah, guys who are worried about their standing amongst a hyper-macho environment where they are in danger of being shanked every day are definitely going to be motivated to learn economics. The Wealth of Nations isn't going to stop someone from raping you.

The one I got was so bad that when I rented it for the known damage or whatever they call it part, they just put "external damage".

Dude, this Spiderman was hilariously Spider-man. That alone makes it worth it. I'll take this over brooding Macquire and horror-comedy director Sam Raimi.

You'd roll and burst into flames before you ever made it to a parking spot.

Now playing

Volvo S60 P2. The turning radius is enormous. And if you have the R, the wheels are taller and wider, making the turning radius even more absurd. Forget turning right into any parking spot. Even Regular Car Reviews lampooned how it turns like a cruise ship (@ 1:36):

Pff. 90's Godzilla could eat a Caprice.

I like it when they fight.

As much as I don't care for these movies, Fassbender's a real good Magneto.

So Fox aired the episodes out of order so that the character development and plot seemed Schizophrenic, put long breaks in between episodes and barely put forth any marketing when new episodes actually aired. I'm sure they are shocked it didn't do well.

Stallone really pulled off the jawline. Shame the movie was so terrible.

Sarlacc is covered. I'll do graboids.

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Others have made a reference to this masterpiece of a film, but not specifically to this awesome scene:

I liked FUD. :( It had some quality issues, but it nailed the absolute terror of facing the Covenant for the first time.

I'd like to see you jiu jitsu that thing too