
Had to cover up a hole in my bedroom door with a big sticker so my folks wouldn't find out my brother chased me down and then stabbed the door when I slammed it in his face.

It's like if the internet had written 'Cloud Atlas'...

Anybody get this to work yet? I bought the digital download base copy of Advanced Warfare on X-Box 360 but I still cannot download it to X-Box One.

Easy fix. When the cop hands you the iPhone, turn it off then back on. Say it needs to be restart. Once you do that your fingerprint will NOT unlock it. Problem solved, CTU style.

Ok, so it's just a remake of the first film and complete reboot of the franchise? I can live with that. Better than them messing with the timeline of the old films. All of our franchises are going to get rebooted sooner or later so this isn't surprising. I'm sure one day we'll see some of the kids on the Disney

Damn future man. Spoiler Alert maybe. Jeeze...

Yup. My copy is getting traded in for Dragon Age Inquisition in a week or so. Won't be missing the 'world' of Destiny.

Hahaha! "News Outlet"


The Human Torch stand in. It's why he's lit up like that.

This is all the stuff they wouldn't let me use against terrorists. Audry would be alive if they only let me saw an upside-down dude in half...

Ok, well that would work.

I hope so! I don't even like that he has a bandage. Who would hurt Paul Rudd?!

Ugh...I dunno if I'm ready for brooding/violent super-hero Paul Rudd...

"It looks like Powers has officially become must-see TV when it debuts in December — assuming you have a Sony PlayStation, where it's airing exclusively."

He was always the strongest. He was the smartest and the bravest. He could solve any puzzle presented to him.

TLDR. Golf amiright

I guess it's kinda cool as next on the list is the XCV Enterprise in the 2130's. Though 2130 is a loooong way away. Who knows, I wouldn't be surprised if we had small FTL ships by that time. Might be stretch though. http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2010080509…

AAAARRRRRGGGG! This is what pisses me off! Stupid new XBONE for the SAME price I bought it for last year but it's got a 1TB HD and the new COD game. *squints eyes* You're pushing me Microsoft... (and yes I see it doesn't have the Kinect. The XBONE Kinect BLOWS btw)

There was Mass Effect 4 news?!