
I was once harassed by a group of The Youths on a sidewalk outside a bar in France. Whether they intended to take things further than they got, I don't know. My male friend had gone inside the bar to grab his jacket, leaving me alone literally for less than two minutes. While gazing at the chateau across the street, I

From a pretty awful comic. I personally wouldn't recommend it, but it does have some flashes of brilliance as evidenced above.

Thanks Fox News


Team Fortress 2 is the perfect example of what a freemium game should be, if it's not TF2 quality, forget about it.

Why, these guys....

Pfft. Nothing is better than Ice Pirates.

those packets are super-vitamins. theyre what give the other vitamins in the bottle their powers. THATS why "they" dont want you to eat them. because youd become a god

Funny how this is from a guy who was part of a diamond heist.

Did I just watch Interstellar?

On Amazon it's called Super Secret Time Warrior

Oh yea, I know...I was more referencing the "fingerprints are fair game" thing...if you power down your phone before handing it to the officer, then even if it's turned back on, you have to input a passcode/password once before the fingerprint will work again, and they can't ask for that, so you're good.

Remember, turn off your iPhone if the Popo are about to violate your civil rights by intruding in your phone, takes a pass-code to get in after restart.

Shut up.

Hahaha Probably the best line I've heard all week

"Repeat forever" would be a good tagline for Destiny.

I believe the idea is that this is an altered timeline resulting from Skynet's killing of Sarah's parents, rather than a retcon of the original films' events. So it doesn't invalidate the original films, it just branches off in a different direction due to time travel, like The Sarah Connor Chronicles or the Abrams Sta

"Would you like to go to the Enchantment Under the Sea dance with m-"

(Head explodes)

All I know is when I saw that last Die Hard film I said to myself "That guy is a poor man's Sam Worthington... and that's saying something." turns out I was right.