
Important note:

Doom was one of the first shooter games I played when I was a kid. Some of the sound effects still scare me. notably, the growl and the sounds of the Cyberdemon when he's just walking around and doing that unholy roar of his. Whenever I heard it just walking around somewhere, I would be too afraid to flip a switch. I

... Scientists at the Kepler-186f Exoplanet Survey were quick to dismiss speculation that a planet discovered in the habitable zone of a G2V dwarf star might be Kepler-186f 2.0.

"We'd probably find it quite unlike our own dear planet," said Prulthetnic Bleen Baxrat of the Glibndorkian Science Academy. "For one thing,

+1000 Angry Video game nerd is the BEST!

This is why The Internet exists. For this pivotal moment.

Can we somehow work in the video of these giant centipedes catching and eating flying bats? I mean, as long as we're going for nightmare fuel, why not go balls out, right?

Yes, it's actually come to this.