
Don’t discount the state school just because of the allure of Yale. The Ivy might be a better choice, but local schools can often be just as emotionally and intellectually fulfilling, with a great alumni network for post-grad opportunities.

Much like how Uranus is actually the planet we are “closest” to in a third way because this planet’s full of assholes.

eight cups of popped corn, or enough for four people”

Are you sure that coin is not Britain circling the drain over this Brexit fiasco?

Really, the only people dumber than trump are the people who voted for him.

Is it really possible that the President of the United States is literally the dumbest person in the world?

That’s the point that a lot of folks are missing here. It’s not quite “rich people cheating their way in,” it’s not-rich-enough people having to scam a game they can’t afford the tickets to play in.

Steve-O and Morrissey arrested over theft of Oscar Meyer Weinermobile.

I dated a girl in high school named Bev. She drank too much one night and got sick so after that I started calling her Beverage. She dumped me a short time after I started that. That’s all I’ve got here.

What a powerful header image. Gayle King, you are a strong lady.

If building proves too taxing, IKEA offers in-home assembly through TaskRabbit.

I will not attempt to convince you to like mayo. The damage has clearly already been done, and you’re one of many. The sad fact is, mayonnaise has been turned into inedible extruded glop by the exigencies of modern mass production. And America, never a place to halfway commit to a bad idea, made it a thousand times

It’s because every collector is different, generalization is impossible, and articles like these don’t help.

It’d be hard to read at the angles where the wings meet the fuselage though.

Holy shit, that is one beautiful man.

He was magnetic in Lion as well. He carried it so well I forget there was any one else in the movie.

Im happy that Dev Patel seems to get a decent amount of work.

My parents live in a house without a dishwasher, which makes me appreciate mine even more whenever I go home to visit. I have three easy steps for washing dishes by hand in the sink:

Patient: <grunts>

Seriously.  Get the fancy dinner the weekend prior, and spend the actual day with each other doing something meaningful.