
I don’t think I can watch this.  The sharp objects.  

Cate Blanchett

I wish my dog wasn’t already staring at me every morning before the alarm goes off at 6. I also have my mom’s dog right now and joins in with the small noises to get me up.

I got that thing right after t-day. Went to the doc, she tested and said it was flu B, which is normally going around late jan/feb.  

I got a flu shot in October (they come to the office, so there is little excuse not too). I started coming down with the flu on 12/1, but it was several days before I realized what it was.  I was out of work four days and am still trying to recover. I missed my winter choir concert, and it will be a month for my voice

Friends?  I’m finding it hard to believe that he has any friends.

I watched it this weekend and I thought it was cute. I start thinking of the practical implications, like how’s this guy going to get an ID, and does he have the plague.

Cute dress Emma, does it have pockets?

I gave up my aisle seat so someone could sit next to small children on a 9 hour flight. I ended up in the middle seat but I definitely didn’t want to be a free baby sitter for the flight. The flight attendant kept me supplied with wine.

He’s listed as Ralph Ford in the 2nd paragraph, but Ralph Blasey in the quote.  Ford is her married name, correct?

Body pillows are too big for me. I have a boudoir pillow that is perfect for under my knees or between my legs, when I’m on my side. In an effort to not sleep on my stomach and not mess up my neck & jaw any more than I already have, I’ve had a couple of U shaped pregnancy pillows, and I’ve been surprised how fast I

Body pillows are too big for me. I have a boudoir pillow that is perfect for under my knees or between my legs, when

I love NPR, but if they play a clip of him speaking (if you can call it that), I change the station. Can-not-deal.

I’ve been finding this really enjoyable. It’s not perfect, but I’m happy to see that a new episode is available. It’s a good upper after a season of the handmaid’s tale.

I had BB DP lipsmacker in the late 70's. My dad bought me one on one of our afternoon out after the divorce. I loved it, but I think it would be too sweet for me now. I also remember dropping on in a theater and hearing it roll down the slant of chairs. We looked for it after the movie, but didn’t find it. :(

Can they just implode already!

Sorry if you answered this and I missed it.

My heart breaks for that little girl just reading the headline.  I would never, ever forgive them.

I thought buying your way in has always been a thing. It’s cheating on tests and faking athletic prowess that is frowned upon.

Korean face mask has a new meaning.

I am a lover of mayo. I use it in Aioli, creamy pesto sauce for fish, lest we forget sandwiches of every kind (except PB&J). An old friend used to hate it, except for my aioli with artichokes, then she liked the fish sause. Now she lives in England and dips her “chips” in it. She has been converted.