
I think the word “accumulate” might be more apt.

A lot of men assume that a woman who says she was sexually harassed by a man is probably either exaggerating out of female hysteria (women...they’re soooo emotional!) or is lying for attention/fame/money.

I’m wondering how many among us have been the victim of sexual harassment in the workplace? It has happened to me and I didn’t speak up about it which I regret.

The heartbreak is worth it for the amount of love and happiness those little bastards bring into your life.

That’s not loneliness, you twit.

Not glut. Survival. Polar bears need to store a crapton of calories as fat to make it through the winter.

Polar bears seek out whale carcasses as they’re a great source of fat and, if found, are sure things (ie. no hunting, not moving, ready to eat).

I feel bad for anyone that dates Emily in the future.

I saw White Wanderer open for The Humpback Whales in’78. They rocked.

sure, a dog can survive on vegetables or garbage - but you’re an asshole if you put your politics in your dog’s food bowl - dogs by their nature are meat eaters - my dog lives on a raw diet - bones and meat in the morning and veggies at night. If you’re so concerned about the planet, don’t have a pet...

Deplorables’ ability to ignore the shit he actually says and does - and to actually deny that he said and did it - amazes me every fucking time.

Clearly he does not understand the nature of the goodest doggo.

If you’ve never called a dog “the goodest dog” you hate dogs.

Blake Lively already had a presence by the time the show aired, though. In contrast, I feel that Blair’s plot lines grew much more thoughtful and actually began to take precedence over Serena’s in no small part because of Leighton Meester. Blair’s character grew alongside Chuck’s whereas Serena’s plots were more or

After an “incident” in the bathroom in kindergarten, I went like 12 years without taking a shit in a public toilet. Then I lived in dorms for a semester in college and we only had one shared bathroom per floor and I got over that pretty quick. Now I try to time it so I can shit at work whenever possible. Might as well

Also, courtesy flush. There’s no reason to let your poop linger in the bowl, stinking up the joint. Flush as soon as you poo, people!

Bless the person who diligently watches the “likes” column on Ted Cruz’s twitter 24/7

Ironically, the show is at its best when the leads are out of their costumes

C’mon ‘Toy Division’ would have been so much better:

Actually, at the end of next season, Ned wakes up in Winterfell the morning he’s supposed to leave for King’s Landing... next to Catelyn as his children play in the courtyard... and realizes it was all a dream.