
Egg cartons generally do not contain salmonella. There’s a tiny chance that they might, but only if salmonella was present at the farm where they originated or at the packaging facility.

Not to alarm you, but Ascot hats are a British Class Designator.

“But later on, we see he doesn’t really care that he’s not the biological dad (or at least he’s pretending he doesn’t). He apologizes to Serena, and promises that once the baby is born Offred will be out of their lives forever and they can be a family. He’s never actually cared about Offred, so this isn’t much of a

I’m just here for the avocado toast

That picture is only 92 sponges. Count your order when it comes in, people!

That picture is only 92 sponges. Count your order when it comes in, people!

Pepe is a nickname for Jose,Giuseppe, Jusepe. In Latin, Saint Joseph’s name is always followed by the letters “P.P” for pater putativus (commonly accepted) father of Jesus Christ. In Spanish, the letter “P” is pronounced “peh” giving rise to the nickname Pepe for Jose

RIP Behind Closed Ovens

It seems very Russian to insult someone by saying they have “weak hands”.

Maybe she’s a crier? I am. I cry at everything. I cried all morning today.

Some people will do anything to get a shot at a wet beaver.

Okay but I would still use toilet paper to dry myself after all that.

I say it! It’s a great word, and I’m not sorry.

If we live another billion years??? Let’s try making it past the next four.

My excuse for everything from now on:

Isn’t it called The Hammaconda?

When I idly tabbed over to Facebook for a little late-afternoon unproductivity, this is what greeted me from the

Ahhh, the old “send a probe to Uranus” trick. Not buying it.