
I mean, does Kate Winslet need to take roles these days solely to benefit her career? That doesn’t seem like the position she’s in. And I don’t think we can expect her to agree with the most insidious interpretation of her actions, even if you think that’s accurate.

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Nuance would require somebody saying something new about this whole thing, which hasn’t been possible since the 90's. Allen is unique in that the media has been BEGGING more accusers to come forward since like 1992, instead of sweeping them under the rug as they’d done for other media figures. Additional accusers have

I’d prefer he work on a new album, honestly.

You’re way wrong. The Awards will throw a few obligatory bones to the current zeitgeist, but most jokes will center on last year’s envelope botch.

I mean, after the tax bill passed, that does seem like an appropriate 2017 Christmas.

It is the ONLY metric for greatness!

A mind which will fall to someone like Melissandre isn’t a mind that’s worth much. For all his veneers of strength, he’s actually an extraordinarily weak character. Even Stannis doesn’t ultimately have faith in himself — that’s why he deferred to the dark powers, after all. At almost every turn, when he faces a true

I’m not sure this even qualifies as an example of that “tell”, though. There were two reasons given for his departure and he didn’t offer any elaborate details in response. In fact, he didn’t offer any details at all.

He’s technically not a rapist the way OJ is technically not a murderer.

Sentiments like this feed right into the hands of Trump. When the President is daily, bitterly and near-totally dedicated to erasing any and all press that isn’t favorable to him, you’re damn right I’m in CNN/MSNBC’s corner. They do a lot of stupid shit and deserved to get dinged for it. Even so: PERSPECTIVE. Their

“Still alive” moves the goal posts — speaking generally, if one takes the position that race is a social construct, the Irish have of course experienced racism in America. They weren’t always considered white, after all. “No Irish need apply” and all that.

It’s better than Punk. It’s Cyberpunk.

One of my favorite minor moments in Battlestar Galactica is when one female Cylon clone refers to a group of opposing, identical Cylon clones as “you guys”. I find it hilarious and charming somehow. The characters are all performed by a single actress but they’re still “you guys”.

We can only hope.

I might want it when I find out what it actually is. I get being out of shape about the release date, but anyone who thinks they can rage from an informed position about the work itself is fooling themselves. They’re angry about the worst case scenario in their heads. We don’t even have a trailer! Or a cast. Or a

Only Louis could be THAT masturbatory.

There’s a snake in my boot!

I mean, the role seems to have been basically a cameo appearance and Spacey was wearing that weird makeup the whole time. Under those circumstances, I buy that he wasn’t chasing teenagers in front of Scott.

Watching that, Vangelis’ “Tears In Rain” started playing in my head...