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Carter Page
Bob Dylan’s Christmas album is controversial to say the least but his “Little Drummer Boy” is great.
I’ll be kinda disappointed if the Dark Army doesn’t account for that. I mean, it’s conspiracy 101 stuff. An organization THIS on top of things couldn’t let something like that hurt them.
I don’t know what Shia LaBeouf’s autobiography has to do with anything.
::clutches pearls:: Goodness me, that costume you linked is much too form-fitting! Has Themyscira become a bordello? No, I see no reason why WB couldn’t have gone with this tasteful, understated and classy design:
Zombie Simpsons is a zombie that feeds on itself instead of the living.
Putting the entire season in a vault because of this would be a huge overreaction. What about after Tambor dies? Are we allowed to see it then, or is it like a nuclear fallout deal where only future generations get to gaze upon it, if ever? I’m not sure what the solution is, but treating it like Chernobyl can’t be…
Just get the guy who played Oscar.
::Vootie dons his black shades and leather jacket to go smoke behind the school with people who aren’t a bunch of CONFORMISTS::
Weaver just appeared on The Defenders in a supporting role.
I can tell from the pixels, and from seeing quite a number of boobs in my time.
Your attitude and actions support one mangy dog in particular, even if you’re too cool to admit it to yourself.
If by masturbation you mean “Kinja”, then yes.
I thought we were all supposed to hate him now because his ex-wife does. Or something.
“Take away the visuals, and the whole thing falls apart.”
*Bert “Contract Murderer” Clarke
I’m probably one of the few here who’d like to see some of the Hobbit players return. Many didn’t care for the films, but they’re good actors and characters.
If people are right about the Discovery twist (and I think they are) I really hope the show gets it out of the way tonight.
So if he follows your advice, you’d never know if he made these amends or not?
Just make sure to keep your Nutella below the neck level. A Nutella shirt that extends to the face can create unfortunate racial dynamics, as this commenter learned )-: