
Final generation Chevy Impala

I bought a late model used car right when the pandemic began, so zowee, “huge” miles since then....

I went on the second day and it looks like the show figured out how to fill the dead space. Dealer groups came in with cars right off of their lots. The VW section is an endless sea of gray.

We have an auto show?! I had no idea, usual look forward to the boat show. 

Detroit may not be a desirable location like the cities you mentioned, but that’s not the biggest issue. NY and LA have both already have auto shows and they suck in comparison to NAIAS.

Well this isn’t the news I wanted to read. I’m driving 4 hours to Detroit tomorrow to take my son to his first NAIAS.  Ugh, looked at the floor map yesterday to discover not a single super-ish car maker was going to be there. This is starting to sound like it isn’t going to be much better than the Cincinnati show we

As a Detroiter, fuck you.

Dinosaurs! You forgot the dinosaurs!

“It’s the best way to get a sense of what is out there without having to stop at 10 dealers and the pain of dealing with their salespeople as you try and look around.” - This, so much this. The last time I went to COBO for the NAIAS was 2003, right before I bought my 03 Escape. I was able to sit in and feel the

I can concur - The Tampa International Auto Show was last weekend. After having been cancelled the last 2 years, they finally did one this year and “thin” was an understatement. Half the manufacturers weren’t even there including Honda, Acura, Genesis, Subaru, Mazda, and Nissan. What models were there were typically

This isn’t a new thing. Auto shows were trending in this direction ever since the invention of the interwebs. Anyone that spent time at the COBO over the last 2 decades could sense it. It’s not sad, just different.

Whatever they want to think.

About a month ago I was rushing to work in the morning, a morning that proved Murphy’s Law is still in full effect. What a shit start to another day in the office. Then I looked in my rearview mirror at a painfully slow stoplight and saw one of these.

I keep grinding that axe: my ‘69 Charger since my own car does put a smile (actually an ultra-huge effing grin) on my face:

I too wonder why there isn’t a food bridge over the 10 lane highway. 10 lanes is crazy to try to cross as a pedestrian!

Does not look like that is an intersection, so the red light’s sole purpose is for pedestrian crossing.

Shoulda made it a ‘68. Everyone knows that it’s the best year Charger.

One can size the solar array to account for latitude concerns.

So how does Ford generate enough solar power for all of their electricity needs while in a state that does not get a lot of sun for over half the year? Battery storage prior to 2025?