
I just want to know if this stupidity will finally get Democrats elected in Florida.

You already have that in terms of higher prices for your license plate and more gallons of gas bought per week.

I’m guessing you don’t realize that these high hoodlines are a result of needing better air flow for towing heavier loads in heavy traffic.

Cool? Now I know what I'm spending that $500,000 when I win the Mega Millions. (After taxes). Defeating this bill.  Free range pickups!

I'm ok with this. If you never met the person and don't know who they are, treat tyas an equal and with respect.

1980's Chrysler walks into the room.

Make it $21,000 and you got a deal.

Kraven's gonna bomb at the theater anyway. No big loss.

Which came first, the Gated communities or the Karen's and Chads?

Sounds about right for Florida.

But why is it so popular? 🤷

I thought pickle ball was an old person’s sport. It’s everywhere in Florida.

My first question is who is this article aimed at; women, LBGTQ, or men? I ask because I’m not sure if I’m supposed to read it or not.

The problem is that the biggest fine OSHA cound give equals about 15 minutes worth of tolls on that bridge. The owner just doesn't care.

You're overthinking it. It's just a website.

So now we know what going to happen to all those abandoned malls.

May they rot in jail forever.

I’m from Detroit.  What's a safety inspection?

Damn. Now I want to do this.

I find the V6 easier to work on.