
I thought it was ok. Way better than the 80hp in my K Car.

The 2011 Mustang was the best. Even the base V6 had 300hp. It looked good and had all the modern safety gear expected and was still affordable.

What? Really?

Do you really want the federal government to step in when another Trump is in charge?

There's one in Bradenton, Florida.

If you’re going to be this late to the party, I suggest you read all my comments before reacting.

I wouldn't be shooting if they aren't shooting at my house/apartment.

I believe you know the area.

Then you're in the wrong. 

Did you not read where they are already shooting?

Please show me where in the article it said this didn't happen in a residential zone because a retirement apartment complex burned to the ground right next to the city council building, fire station, and police station where I'm from. 490 senior citizens living on welfare lost there home that night because of a crowd

You forgot the part in the article where it said someone was already shooting.

Why were the hooners shooting in the first place?

I think it's more along the lines of distopia instead of western.

Where I'm from, the cops don't come until four hours after you call.

Not until I reply to all those that replied to me.

If you can, definitely.

unless you are living in what looks like a commerical center”

You didn’t read all of my replies.

I wish I was talking about a video game.