
If there are no houses nor apartments in the area then no need to defend your home and family.

Nope. I'm talking about the people living there.

Ask those in that crowd who were shooting guns.

Nope. I just know the potential fallout of out of control mobs.

No erection here.

I’m not talking about taking family to these events. I’m talking about the families that live on these blocks that were invaded.

Nope. Firing a gun in the air is potentially a murder. Unless that bullet travels straight up the aerodynamics of it keeps the velocity at a deadly level.

Let’s see:

My wife and I saw it yesterday. We LOVED it! It exceeded expectations! We don’t understand why people weren’t impressed.

In such a crowded city, people are trained to ignore things happening around them. Not My Business becomes the mantra.

All the stars here.

I hope they preserve the site as a landmark yet also hope they harvest some of the lumber to make more Strativarious violins.

I think the other Star Trek actor would be a good choice to create a book club. Patrick Stewart. Maybe LeVar Burton could influence him.

Elvis enters the room.

Still waiting for that Northern Exposure reboot as well as a sequel to Bad Girls where their daughters team up to drive out rustlers trying to drive them out of their Alaskan claim they developed.

Sarah N Tuned’s Ranger restoration. It was the truck she learned to drive in and belonged to her grandmother. She drives it from New Hampshire to Arizona and then goes full OCD on it doing a frame swap and so much more.

Jeep Renegade. It feels Jeep nimble, not Miata, and has a happy energetic personality.

I wonder how many said they just needed them to shoot cases of Bud Light.

Thank you Kid Rock for your closed mindedness that turned a novelty into a collectible and raised the sales of cheap beer through counter protest.

Politics. 🙄