
It’s petty enough for a governor to single out a business like this. It’s blatantly obvious DeSantis is doing this for political theater to appear to be sticking it to the other. But the fact that he’s bungling it and failing to overcome his adversary makes him look petty and weak, which he very much is.

While I don’t disagree with your last statement in principle, in practice, 2016 showed that the only qualification needed to be President is to be a straight man. It doesn’t matter if you are a criminal, an obvious fraud, if you can’t barely string two sentences together or if you have the emotional intelligence of a

Just more evidence that this is an obvious 1st Amendment violation. And that Ronny isn't qualified to be President.

Ignoring dozens of other similar arraignments through the state, like the Villages, because they fall in line.

He is not making any tactical move or mistake. This is who he is.

Well, there’s no way in hell he’s winning these lawsuits

It’s “personal” in the sense that he’s just trying to make it look like he’s fighting them while he’s still in the governor’s seat. Trying to delay the actual trials for 2 years will mean, with delays, that this stuff will go before the court after he’s left office and his fight with Disney gets forgotten about

Yeah, the part in the Megyn Kelly interview where he declared that he wasn’t “punishing” Disney but taking away something they “shouldn’t have had” ignores the fact that none of the other special districts in the state are being attacked by him. 

And Tom Cruise?

Disney has no right to its own government and special privileges.”

It’s personal for DeSantis now. I’m betting he thinks that if he gives up, he’ll be laughed out of office by the people who voted him in. Well, there’s no way in hell he’s winning these lawsuits. Even with its current conservative “fuck y’all” majority, SCOTUS would have a difficult time* denying Disney’s free speech

Nope. Trickle down economics has been thoroughly debunked. Sorry Ronald.

Some actors haven taken salary cuts so other actors could be involved in a film but it is more in the vein of DiCaprio accepting 10M instead of 15M ( completely fabricated example ) so that the studio can pay another actor 5M for a role in the movie.

Trickle down theory? Really?

No, it would have stayed in the studio's pockets.

Unfortunately higher fuel prices does not seem to quell the urge for people to buy these huge things. I know because I live in California where prices have been at or over $5 a gallon for over a year. As soon as one leaves the urban areas it turns into MAGA-Land real quick, one of the tell-tale signs being the mass

Higher fuel taxes only hurt the poor college student that drives his Corolla to a minimum wage job and NOT the rich wall street guy driving his Escalade.

Doomed to fail, because CAFE is a complicated and easily-circumvented effort to do what higher fuel taxes would do a thousand times better.

Maybe it’s just me, but I’d take the opinion of a guy who owns a car over the opinion of a guy who doesn’t.

Hey it’s the second one I have owned, if you want a full sized sedan and don’t want to pay and arm and leg it’s about the only option you have.  Other than a Charger, and I don’t really want to be associated with that group.