
I would own that if i came across one

Probably because a lot of people feel the same way but won’t publicly admit it?

Ha! With the present offer, none. And I am looking... EV, nope. Either too expensive or with interior too cheap. I’ll wait, not too long, I am getting old.

Now playing

Only took three days after this draconian republican law went into effect for a case like this to spring up, and I assure you there will be more like this one that will go unreported. This is what happens when republicans scapegoat and get conservatives to kick down. Hey conservatives, are you proud of yourselves? Do

This is Jezebel’s MO and has been for a while. I think they ran out of money to hire anyone who isn’t totally clueless.

But they are more than happy to fundraise off of it as an issue then not deliver anything and blame the voters because somehow They did’t vote hard enough or something.

You should have written the article. You are 100% spot on. It’s like people have no idea how civics works. 

But they banned Juul and will give people an 18 cent break on gas!

The Democratic establishment is still controlled by old, rich white people who are in denial of how awful the old, rich white people in the Republican party can be.  Always on that “this is not who we are” shit.  

Let’s not confuse people who are confused about their political orientation. Anyone who initially supported Bernie but then supported Trump is not and never was on the side of abortion rights. We also should keep in mind the active Russian operation to sow confusion at the time. Not helped by the MSM that proclaimed

I am absolutely begging you to take a basic civics course.

Man. I’m obviously going to vote for Democrats, because what the fuck else am I supposed to do. But I am getting sick of being told by the most powerful people on Earth that the responsibility for fixing things lies with me. And I can’t help but think that the party IN FUCKING POWER RIGHT NOW telling people they can

I don’t really feel betrayed people who would have voted for Bernie, but didn’t come out to vote for HRC (or worse, voted for Trump.) I mean, I don’t like those people—they are ejusdem generis with Republicans and basically garbagebut I can’t feel betrayed by someone who was never even on my side in the first place.

No, listen, you see this is Bernie Sanders fault because uh, if Hillary Clinton had become president then RBG could have retired under the first woman president and we would have all lived happily ever after with a super majority!/s

No the Democrats don’t control the Senate thanks to two DINO’s who would rather watch the country burn if they can stand on the top of the ash heap.

Hey, you can get it for $52,729 if you trade in the exact same car!

Gas prices, food prices, rent all take center stage.

It’s only a crime when someone who has no place in society does it.

It is not a crime to be a paid escort which is the only thing that is currently being alleged.