
you must be confusing the Democratic Party with a socialist party that never really existed in the US, and the US with Europe. You overestimate the popularity of the left wing of the Democratic party and the fact that their platforms aren’t viable in most of the country which is far more conservative than you want to

Thanks. I find politics in your country to be quite mystifying.

Well, you can debate what the causes are, or whether it’s inevitable for the party in power to lose seats in the mid-term, but given where Biden’s approval is now, where the generic polling is, and other factors that have been predictive for congressional elections, Republicans are pretty clearly the odds on favorite

midterms that are Republicans’ for the taking


Good news for Rays ownership. They have been wanting to get out of a bad market with that dump of a stadium for years. This could help major league ownership approve a move to Montreal. It would get the team out a bad town, make the AL East a compact northeastern North American division , and provide the AL East with

Which is one of the ways he gets someone to stab him in the back come 1/6.

This, anti-trans legislation, vetoing the Tampa Bay Rays funding for the spring training facilities because of their gun-violence advocacy...

I don’t expect Trump could stand having a genuine competitor as Veep, and would instead pick someone with zero charisma or excitement, much like he did with Pence. (and HRC did with Tim Kane)

They would say “you do you Gavin, it’s your funeral after all”.

At minimum, I think he’s Trump’s VP in 2024 if we get that far.

He does.  Why do you think he wants to change it?

So sick and tired of Rethuglicans and their culture war bullshit.

Couldn’t be much worse than what we already say about him.

Hypocrisy is the base tenet of the Right.

First Disney, and now Baseball.

I am hoping that the Jan 6 Commissions trail that starts next week prevents this from happening.

Be careful of what you wish for, he may just single-term his way from governor to president, depending on how Trump-fatigue plays out.

Republicans when Democrats are in charge: “Hey! You aren’t allowed to criticize my opinions or personal life choices! This is ‘Murica! And in ‘Murica I can do and say whatever I want without being cancelled! Cancel culture is against the law! Yeah! It’s one of those amendment things, in the constitertian! Thou shalt

He’s getting real good at playing Trump Jr.