
You asked a question then linked an article with the answer in the same comment. Are you just having a conversation with yourself?

I’ve been told about Beau. I get that he’s not. What I said stands, even without looking at Beau’s video.

Most Republicans want to feel good -- and get the results of killing us.

It’s hard to imagine in these liberal echo chambers where we keep ourselves, but the reason the needle doesn’t move is because there are millions of people who don’t want it to. They don’t care if someone else’s kids die at school, they don’t care if cops kill a few thousand innocent Black people a year, they don’t

What are we actually voting for? The illusion of control in a system rigged against us from top to bottom. If people didn’t operate under the belief that they had some degree of control and the ability to make things better for themselves, they’d be a hell of a lot less easy to keep at bay. It’s why lies like the

Republicans consistently oppose anything Democrats favor. Democrats like vaccines that save lives Republicans hate vaccines that save lives.

And they’ll all win reelection anyway. Why?

nothing screams nuanced, well-thought-out digital information campaign like the name “Orrin Hatch Foundation”