J. Alora

Pro wrestlers (or “Superstars”, whatever) are actors. They have scripted lines they have to recite, and WWE programs are stunt-based soap operas. They’ve even started putting up disclaimers on the network about how the characters are fictitious, etc. How are they not covered by SAG?

Your form is all wrong man.

He’s just confirming his love of Ween.

Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.

They all need to stop sullying lemonade — the most delicious and wonderful drink on the planet — with this shit! Lemonade did nothing to deserve this.

Kareem is the best Laker.

Ben Carson had me wondering if brain surgery was actually all that hard.

If your band wins a Grammy(R) you suck.

Chris O’Donnell is still the worst Dick Grayson, but Allen is closing the gap fast.

Unpopular opinion:

The New Day are by far one of the best things on this program. The Rock, old man straight from the Attitude Era forgets WWE is PG now, as the New Day’s reaction to hearing the word “penis” on live tv was the best thing I’ve seen in a while.

You're wrong. It's all real. Thankfully, though, Sgt Slaughter regained his love for America and is no longer on Iraqi sympathizer.

I cannot believe that in the year 2016 we’re still getting “you know it’s fake, right?”

He’s no Joey Ryan, though.

how quickly they forget.

Normally, when I read “hair pull,” “buttcatch,” and “Roethlisberger,” I assume I’m reading a police report.

“if you were disappointed by the new Star Wars movie”
Sorry, but if you were disappointed then you have unrealistic expectations, or you’re a hipster, or just an asshole - or a combination like an unrealistic hipster asshole. You can have things you didn’t appreciate or like, but that was hands-down a solid, good movie.

Whatever comes of this, whether it’s absolutely nothing or a federal perjury conviction, rock bottom for Jeter has to be the upcoming phone call from an eager A-Rod offering advice.

He’ll love Manziel’s high On-Base Percentage, by which I mean the amount of time he is high on cocaine