
Holy shit, Kai AND Neil in one week? Lord, woman, that’s some serious nerd magic you have. I’m jealous on both counts.

It’s my birthday!! ITS MY BIRTHDAY! My dad keeps asking me what I want for it, but I don’t really want anything. So - what’s the best gift you’ve either got or given?? I got bose wireless headphones last year that I am obsessed with. Best gift I’ve ever given was a really fancy traveling backgammon set to an at the

OMG. I think that you are the only person in the World who knows this, and the rest of us idiots with $50s in life’s savings stuffed under our mattresses are totally screwed.

Just dropping in to say that in related advertisment there is nothing worse than a commercial really building up women as do-everything badassers that wraps up with the badass women then reaching for yogurt or a bowl of special k. I forget what yogurt commercial it was, but even my husband at the end was like really?

Ah, yeah Talbots #becauseImALady and a fatty at that I get to pay lots of money for low quality boxy ass shit at your store. FYI Talbots: fat bitches have fucking waists. Maybe even some tits too.

Farted directly onto a guy who was leering and licking his lips at me on the subway, #BecauseImALady.

Who sleeps in their car in a parking garage?

The contents of her purse included a loose $100 bill. Who does that?!

Yep, that’s pretty much how it was. But how would he know, firmly wrapped in his White Male Privilege?

Counterpoint- Golden Retriever puppies sleep like they are Jell-O, and I defy you to hold one better.

Yeeeahhhhh. John Kelly and I were born the same year. We’re both 67. I don’t ever remember women being “sacred.” I do, however, remember being catcalled, harassed, fondled, called names, threatened, and paid less than the men I worked with. He and I are obviously remembering things differently. Gee, wonder why?

And that puppy DOES look particularly wiggly. My friend’s neighbours have a Goldie (full grown now, and literally the softest thing I’ve ever touched) and it is a really squirmy dog.

I don’t want to be sacred. I want men to keep their hands, and their laws, off my pussy. You think you’re helping, Kelly, but you’re not.

LMAO, what? Some dogs are wiggly things and will be held the way they want to be held. One of my dogs does that all the time.

Maybe it’s the angle, but that “stray husky” looks suspiciously like a pure bred golden retriever puppy...

He “found” a “stray” purebred husky on the street?

I just walk right into them. Most of them time they’re not expecting it so they bowl over like a house of cards.

He sounds like a hog.

Looks like a sperm.

Right before I turned 21 I moved to a new city, transferred colleges, and got an apartment by myself. I picked a place out on the third story of a rambling old Victorian mansion - a modest studio with white metal cabinets from the 1950's and a rusted fire escape which always gave me bad feelings. It was metal, and