I Wish My Name Was Dax

Quick summary for the impatient:

Wouldn’t it be cool if we like, erase ourselves from the internet?
OMG Thom you’re such a creative genius

Except it is really not that new. Conservation has been a driving force for zoological facilities for the last several decades.

This is patently ridiculous. I am a huge Sanders supporter. But all signs point to this being ANY democrat’s election to lose. I’m not saying they can’t lose it. I’m just saying they have the game in their favor. The ridiculous anti-Hillary rhetoric will get none of us anywhere. Yes, I think she is too corporate. Yes,

Akin to money laundering in what sense ? What the mother fuck kind of logic is that ?

Good damn shit right? Jeebus fucknuts! I was sent an invite to this event, and it’s not like I have $175K just wasting time in my bank. I was also sent a register to win to go to this. I honestly had other plans.

The Democratic base is voting overwhelmingly for Hillary in the primaries, so what makes you think we will not turn out for her in the general?

“Bernie supporters are the liberal version of Trump supporters. I can say that because I am one.”

So u complain about bernie or bust, then say if bernie gets the nom will vote green party. Jez does shit like this because people like u continue to click on every single article. There are about 7 of u hillary supporters that come into every article on bernie or hillary and give the same complaints about jez. Jez

This money is for down the ballot, you moron. Most of the funds go to other progressives in the race. Check it out yourself. Why would anyone not support that?!? You can’t have your little “revolution” without getting people elected down the ballot. Holy shitsticks.

I have a completely terrible love for this movie.

That movie is awesome, I can watch it anytime.

I was so enamored by the knife Tel Toro made in that movie that I made one very much like it. I can honestly say that it is one of the coolest blades I have made, very unique looking and was a challenge to forge. I will also add that it is easily the most useless as a tool. Probably amazing for violence (not really

You mean, you can’t forge a knife, in ten minutes, with a camp fire?

Optimizing algorithms usually have trouble scaling to larger sets of variables. The ones that are quicker usually have to take shortcuts or make assumptions that can mean the result is only “probably” the best solution, rather than the absolute best possible, because they don’t test every combination exhaustively. But

The paper seems focuses on a classical algorithm that works by simulating quantum behavior, then doing the quantum algorithm on that “simulated quantum-chip” (liken it to emulation sort of), versus an actual quantum-chip.

You know what? NO. As an adult, Xmas presents mostly suck. As an adult, Thanksgiving kind of sucks because you can’t pig out anymore without guilt (and maybe also heartburn and what have you). As an adult Halloween sucks because you don’t get to go get a bag of free candy like you used to, and if you do, it’s the same

I’m a guy, and this horrifies me more than I can express.

But the ones on the inside are going faster than the ones on the outside. Or something.