I Wish My Name Was Dax

I always wanted to see flying cars in my lifetime and I now know that I won’t. Why won’t it happen? Because the tech that all these “flying cars” are using is basically just scaled down pre-existing technology...which is painfully ill-suited for a personalized flying vehicle.

I like how radiohead has now entered the “doing weird shit that nobody else really cares about because...art” phase of their career.

You’re right. YOU aren’t the problem. Every Bernie Sanders supporter that shares your attitude and lives in Ohio, Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Nevada are the problem.

That same poster...in that same thread posted this:

I am a Hillary supporter and I respect why you chose to support Bernie. I also will vote for and support Bernie if he is the nominee. I will ask my friends who are also Hillary supporters to vote for and support Sanders if he is the nominee.

“This is WHY Democrats can’t get anything passed in the Congress.”

I posted this long rant in response to another commenter who insinuated that if Hillary wins the nomination, she’ll lose the general because Sanders supporters will stay home because they won’t “sell out”. I think it bears posting out here in the wild:

If Hillary is the nominee and Sanders supports don’t turn out to vote for her, then we (progressives/liberals/democrats) deserve four fucking years of Trump. This kind of “if I don’t get my candidate then I’m just not going to vote” bullshit is why liberal/progressives can’t make any fucking headway in the policies

Fuck I don’t care about this show anymore after watching that teaser. This show isn’t going anywhere.

I love this gif so much. Every time I watch that part I know that Del Toro is giving the finger to everyone who paid any type of money to see that shit. It makes me smile inside and I’m not sure why.

You know what’s funny...so can I. Except that I fucking hate it. Del Toro’s character isn’t developed into anything more than a killing machine. Am I supposed to feel sorry for him? Did he actually kill a bunch of innocent civilians? That’s NEVER explained...the drug addict husband from Dexter shows up, drops that

Pfft! That’s nothing. I once saw Benicio Del Toro and Tommy Lee Jones turn Rambo: First Blood into a piece of shit...with knives.

This picture always trips me out. We did this. HUMANITY did this! America happened to have the resources and the political will to make this happen, but the Apollo missions represent a culmination of science gleened from humans all across the globe and over thousands of years. We will go back and we will go back to

Many thanks to everyone who helped explain this to me!

If I pay $800 for headphones it damn well better make something in my life redundant.

Oh shit. Thank you! I thought it was 108.

“...even if the results are verified, they overlook the fact that the regular computer wasn’t using the most efficient algorithm it could. It was using a technique that was algorithmically similar to the one running on the quantum computer, but an alternative approach could potentially have let it run through its

That play is enjoyed by people who enjoy Cal football. This is more of an amazing demonstration of athleticism and awareness in sport than any other play I’ve ever seen. Also...if you watch rugby (which I sometimes do), “The Play” isn’t that amazing. It’s also a fluke play because the dumbass band came out on the

At the point of the catch, the defender’s elbow has pushed Owusu’s head over and to the side...he CANNOT SEE THE DAMN BALL WHEN HE CATCHES IT. This is NOT the Prothro catch. As amazing as that catch was, Prothro had his eyes on the ball as he caught it. It was only after he caught it against the receiver’s back that

My question has NOTHING to do with the Psyche asteroid or magnetization, but rather what Chuck E. wrote in his comment: