I Wish My Name Was Dax

Why did I watch this? It's clearly set forth that's its just a guy eating soup to the GOT music. Damn it!

I thought this was stupid...about 15 minutes ago when I started watching. This is so peaceful.

The arrest itself looks "ok" to me, not very different from many other belligerent suspects I have seen arrested over my career. However, the fact that jaywalking is such an extremely minor infraction, both officers are white, there appears to be little to no traffic, and the officer's quick desire to resolve the

Dude...after reading your post/drivel, I just had a revelation. Stick with me, it will all make sense in the end.

Who was the "investigator"? Was it an investigator for Clinton or for the State of Arkansas? Was it a private investigator or was it a detective. If it was a detective, then he could have stated that there was no record of the girl making a false accusation AND the girl could have made the accusations... and both

The ONLY allegations that "shit" was made up came from the victim. Clinton's affidavit was made in connection with a motion for a psychiatric evaluation of the witness. So...unless someone can prove that Clinton was not "informed" about the victim's character issues, then she didn't lie on the affidavit or about the

My pipe dream is for Clinton to win the Presidency and then nominate Warren to the Supreme Court when either Ginsburg (resigns/dies) or Scalia (resigns/dies). Warren would enjoy a lifetime appointment and her mental acuity would be a perfect foil for the more conservative members of the Court. She could do more good

As an attorney who has been on both the prosecution (and yes I've prosecuted sex crimes) and criminal defense side of the bar, let me go ahead and say that this entire article is, in and of itself, a petty, uninformed smear piece.

I don't know...Cold Weather Murder Demon sounds pretty badass.

"Man, I want to get straight drunk off my face. Where should I do that?"

Oh...man...this picture. Thank you.

You know what impresses me most about this whole thing. It's that someone took Alcubierre's highly theoretical thought experiment and said, "Can I push this closer to reality?" White did that and now we're actually having a conversation about ways around the cosmological speed limit. Is White's idea feasible? Hell no.

I'm from Tennessee so we get pretty close, but never quite shove our head entirely up our own asses. Mississippi makes it look easy.

Lived there for three years and they don't. It's not because they wouldn't care if they heard, but mostly because an asshole makes an amazing sound barrier when it's wrapped around a head.

NEWSFLASH: Louisiana Culture, Proud of Its Backward Ways, Pissed At Criticism For Being Backwards

Same here.

My favorite thing about this Tom Cruise cosplay is that it doesn't involve Tom Cruise's imminently punchable face.

every white person is phenomenal at making grilled cheese and going through a Green Day phase.

"It's not fair to these horses..."